International Research Networking TNC2006, Catania 18 May 2006 David West, DANTE Research Networking beyond Europe – bringing the world closer
International Research Networking GÉANT connected mid 2003 US – Abilene, EsNet Canada – Canarie Japan – SiNet Grand total: 4 All other interconnections via North America or the commercial Internet
International Research Networking GÉANT2 connected May
International Research Networking
International Research Networking “I just returned from an EUMEDIS monitoring mission to Tunisia and some of the partners I met had just got installed the cable for the EUMEDCONNECT network. They were EXTREMELY happy about it! From a poor telephone connection, they were at 1 MB connection…. The first day the installation was made, they did not even want to go home after working hours as they were enjoying the access to the internet! “ Comments made to Annegrete Lausten by CETTEX: Centre Technique du Textile EUMEDCONNECT –The Response
International Research Networking Who is using EUMEDCONNECT? 11 Mediterranean countries connected directly or via GEANT2 Over 180 Mediterranean universities and research centres and 1M+ users connected for first time EUMEDIS Pilot projects, e.g. –STRABON (tourism and culture) – using EUMEDCONNECT in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia –MEDFORIST (e-Business learning) – moved server from Paris to Rabat in July 2005 EUMEDGRID – first Mediterranean grid computing project…
International Research Networking EUMEDGRID Overview January 2006 to December partners: 9 EU Member States or AS, 5 non-MS. Establish a human network in the eScience area, enlarge and train this community, and establish a pilot Grid infrastructure supporting proof of concept regional applications. Build upon and exploit the GRID infrastructure of EGEE and the network infrastructure of GEANT2 and EUMEDCONNECT.
International Research Networking Participants and Third Parties INFN (Italy) Coordinator CERN (Switzerland) CYNET (Cyprus) DANTE (UK) GARR (Italy) GRNET (Greece) RED.ES (Spain) University of Malta (Malta) CERIST (Algeria) CNRST (Morocco) EUN (Egypt) HIAST (Syria) RNRST (Tunisia) TUBITAK - ULAKBIM (Turkey) University of Messina – Dep. of Mathematics (Italy) University of RomaTre - Dep. of Physics (Italy) CRS4 (Italy) ICTP (Italy) IUCC (Israel) Laboratoire CRISTAL (Tunisia) University of Tunis - Research Unit of ICT (Tunisia) Bilkent University (Turkey) JUNet (Jordan) PADI2 (Palestine)
International Research Networking SWIMED Groundwater modeling Aim: estimate sustainable extraction scheme - improve management CODESA-3D: Density- dependent 3D coupled groundwater flow and transport simulations Data requirement - Geology - Topography - Meteorology - Water extraction by the farmer - Aquifer properties - Soil maps - Land use
International Research Networking EUMEDCONNECT Achievements: connectivity
International Research Networking The Way Ahead Extension beyond June 2006 to July 2007 agreed with EC Further initiatives underway to extend to late 2007 ‘EUMEDCONNECT2’ being planned from late 2007
International Research Networking
RedCLARA Topology April 2006
International Research Networking “What has ALICE meant to Guatemala? In one word – Integration. The ALICE project has catalysed the creation of the Guatemalan NREN (RAGIE), and it has succeeded in making a dream come true: A true Latin American backbone for research and education.” Luis R. Furlan, Director of RAGIE, Guatemala
International Research Networking ALICE to Date RedCLARA, interconnecting 14 Latin American countries and offering direct connectivity to GEANT2 Reaching more than 730 universities and research institutions across LA Working CLARA organisation, managing and operating RedCLARA Creation of new National Research and Education Networks in eight LA countries Support demo projects in e-health and e-education Strong dialogue between LA and EU researchers via new joint IST projects (EELA, AugerAccess, EXPReS, etc.)
International Research Networking
TEIN2 Topology Partners: China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia + France, Netherlands, UK
International Research Networking 2 slides for TEIN2 applications, Tele-medicine application
International Research Networking Other applications Disaster warning e.g. Philippine Institute of Vulcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) + partners Oceanography e.g. ASEM Oceans Initiative Climatology Distance learning e.g. University of Health Sciences, Cambodia and UPMC Medical School, Paris
International Research Networking TEIN2 Network Operations Centre Based in Hong Kong Run by Tsinghua University
International Research Networking Sustainability TEIN2 contracted to Dec 2007 Preparations to continue the network beyond 2007: –Seamless migration –Longer operational period –Greater applications focus –Increased geographical coverage –Transition to Asian ownership –Continued external funding
International Research Networking ORIENT ORIENTAL RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE TO EUROPEAN NETWORKS Linking academic networks in China (CERNET and CSTNET) and Europe (GÉANT2 Partners) Funded by the Chinese Government (MoST), the European Commission and the European NRENs Partners: DANTE (Co-ordinator), CERNET (China), GARR (Italy), DFN (Germany), RENATER (France), UKERNA (UK), CESNET (Czech Rep), GRNET (Greece) Aim is to provide a dedicated high-bandwidth link for the many projects involving collaboration between European and Chinese institutions.
International Research Networking ORIENT upgrading TEIN2 CN – EU link to 2.5 Gbps Applications include: EXPReS (astronomy) EUCHINAGRID (grid computing) Cosmic Ray Observation ORIENT 2.5Gbps
International Research Networking How have regional programmes stimulated NREN development? International connectivity opportunity for users Forum for best practise and friendly competition between NRENs Provided external visibility of NREN performance Helped justify internal business cases for NREN development
International Research Networking e.g. Morocco (new MARWAN2 network)
International Research Networking e.g. New Vietnam network (VINAREN)
International Research Networking Lessons learnt Regional projects are by definition hard Generic model proven but always allow for major local variations Non-competitive telecoms markets continuing to cause Digital Divide Focus on applications and user needs Long term continuity essential Long term external funding essential
International Research Networking Thank you! David West