Highcliffe School Collecting Data for a School
Setting the Scene Secondary school (1300 students) Language and Science Growing Sixth form Full Time Equivalent Teachers RM Integris MIS system (attendance, behaviour, cover, assessment, timetabling, staff details, student details) Student Information System – web based portal for students, parents and staff for easy access (developed in house)
How it was……1999 Very little data stored in MIS system Student information entered by secretaries Senior Teacher responsible for data and also examination officer Not all data entered on system Quality of data questionable Filing Cabinets everywhere! Examinations assistant and IT technician employed
Team has grown! Data and Examinations Office Examinations & Data Manager Administration Officer Clerical Assistant IT Support Systems Manager Senior Technician Technician
Now… Data accurate and complete Examinations embedded with data office Changes to data (e.g. medical conditions) are changed within a day of notification Data set extended including attendance, behaviour, achievements, student signing in/out, visits to medical room, incident reports, staff cover and absences
Collecting Data New Intake (Year 7) Students name, address and telephone details collected by admissions officer March – offer of place and student information form sent to parents Forms processed by D&E office Students start September (data 6 months old) – student details form printed and sent to parents for checking. Changes made by D&E office
Tracking student detail changes Multiple sources – letter, phone call, student, tutor, teaching staff. Lots of different colour forms! Annually student details update forms printed and sent to parents/guardians for amendment/checking E&D office process changes and all forms archived
Starters / Leavers Relatively small student turn around Admissions officer informs D&E office Same process for starters as new entrants in September Starter - Common Transfer File (CTF) requested if not already sent by previous school Leaver – CTF file sent to destination school
Common Transfer Files (CTF) Highcliffe only uses CTF files for academic information Other information is reliant upon accuracy of previous school and has often proved to be Inaccurate or Incomplete
Teaching Set Changes Main school Sixth form New students
Electronic Attendance Now moved into the D&E office Registers completed online by teacher using Laptops (wireless) or by wireless PDA for supply staff AM reg period and last period of day used as statutory AM/PM registrations for returns Accuracy an issue with D&E office having to chase teachers that forget to complete Approx 7200 pieces of data from approx 80 people each day! A challenge!
Staff Involved in Census Headteacher – overall responsibility D&E office – completion of Census Finance Office – staff details and free school meals PA to Head – Student Exclusions Inclusion Officer – Attendance/Exclusions Deputy Head – Looked after & dually registered students Assistant Head – Gifted and Talented SEN Office – SEN data Admissions Officer – Appeals information All teaching staff – Classes as taught (checked) Network Manager – ICT Systems
Problems encountered Schools may allow unskilled staff to edit data. Staff may not realise importance of data and how inaccuracies can impact of school and census Lack of training within schools Schools need to make sure changes are actioned immediately (medical, emergency contact….) All staff need to be onboard – if they hear of changes they must record and inform D&E office. Parents – many information checks are not returned without several reminders. Often we are not informed of changes to address, telephone or emergency contact details. Students do not return information forms without reminders (especially sixth form!)
Good advice… Staff who are responsible for data collection and entry must be capable of: Nagging relentlessly Be fully trained detectives Question everything Love inventing forms for everything (and finding a paper colour they have not used yet!)
Contact… Hilary Rosina Mathew Downs Highcliffe School, Parkside, Highcliffe, Dorset, BH23 4QD