Resource Managers Away Day Friday 8 th July 2011 Jessica Inglis
RMG terms of reference Purpose To provide a supportive environment for peer networking and professional development. To facilitate engagement and communication between the Universitys senior managers and its principal resource managers in faculties and schools.
RMG terms of reference Functions To facilitate the dissemination of information regarding key University initiatives to resource managers; To provide a forum for effective dialogue between University leaders and resource managers; To contribute to the development, monitoring and review of University policies and operational plans including training plans; To respond to requests for information from the resource manager community and supply representatives to serve on University committees or working groups; To facilitate a co-ordinated escalation of concerns or opinions from resource managers to University leaders; To provide a networking forum for resource managers in faculties and schools including mentoring and induction of resource managers; To facilitate the development of best practice and professional development for resource managers; To establish working groups in response to issues affecting resource managers.
Steering group - terms of reference Purpose To oversee and provide directional guidance for the effective running of the Resource Managers Group.
Steering group – terms of reference Functions To monitor RMGs resources including its budget and administrative support. On behalf of RMG members, to steer and advise on the running of the group and specifically to manage the agenda of its away days. To determine and periodically review the terms of reference of the RMG. To facilitate communication between central University management and the RMG including providing information gathered from the RMG and dissemination of information to RMG. Raise matters of concern regarding the RMG or the steering group. Act as ambassadors of the RMG.
RMG Dates of future meetings / draft agendas 1.13 th October 2011 Finance systems development – Rachael Fleetwood Finance Process Owner – Andy Nield Estates Process Owner – Patrick Finch 2.7 th December 2011 Vice Chancellor – Eric Thomas – provisional HR Process Owner – Guy Gregory
RMG website To be updated during the summer
RMG Questions?