Iroquois: Amanda Brown Period 6a 10/14/2009
Iroquois: The name of my tribe is Iroquois. Iroquois is a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Iroquois. The name of my tribe is Iroquois. Iroquois is a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Iroquois.
Language; There are six languages spoken by the Iroquois. There are six languages spoken by the Iroquois. There’s Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Tuscarora.
Iroquois Nation:1944
Gender Roles among the Iroquois: Men went out and hunted, they were the warriors and did more of the activities outdoors. Women on the other hand stayed at the longhouse taking care of the children, cooking, preparing the food, and making all the clothing for the family. The difference in the gender roles among the Iroquois in terms of power authority, agriculture and the children is that there is more equality nowadays.
Religion: Iroquois does not have a religion because Indians were intelligent and didn't have a religion. All Indians were what you could call "Spiritual". Like most other tribes, the Iroquois had very general ideas regarding the supernatural. There is not 'religion' among the tribes, but rather an acknowledgment of and gratitude toward the Great Spirit, who, along with Mother Earth, Sister Moon, Sister Wind, Brother Fire, and others see to the welfare and prosperity of the tribe. Iroquois does not have a religion because Indians were intelligent and didn't have a religion. All Indians were what you could call "Spiritual". Like most other tribes, the Iroquois had very general ideas regarding the supernatural. There is not 'religion' among the tribes, but rather an acknowledgment of and gratitude toward the Great Spirit, who, along with Mother Earth, Sister Moon, Sister Wind, Brother Fire, and others see to the welfare and prosperity of the tribe.
Facts: The confederation of Iroquoian tribes known in history among other names, by that of the Five Nations, comprising the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca. The confederation of Iroquoian tribes known in history among other names, by that of the Five Nations, comprising the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca. There are six languages spoken by the Iroquois Nations: Mohawk,Seneca, Oneida,Onondaga, Cayuga, and Tuscarora. There are six languages spoken by the Iroquois Nations: Mohawk,Seneca, Oneida,Onondaga, Cayuga, and Tuscarora. The language for Iroquois is Iroquoian. The language for Iroquois is Iroquoian.
Iroquois Organization: How is Iroquois organize is that They remained powerful through the American Revolution. How is Iroquois organize is that They remained powerful through the American Revolution.
Warriors: What Iroquois viewed as warriors or threaten or peaceful and helpful is because of the Iroquois men. They protect the rest of the tribe. What Iroquois viewed as warriors or threaten or peaceful and helpful is because of the Iroquois men. They protect the rest of the tribe.
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