Chapter 2 Section 1 Native American People of Pennsylvania
I. The People How did they get here? Some believe that they came across a land bridge more than 12,000 years ago Groups 2 basic groups Algonquian Consists of the Delaware, Shawnee, Nanticoke Iroquois Consist of the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Erie and Susquehannock The first five made up the Iroquois League of Nations
II. Their Government Clan Small Village Local Level Council of Men Appointed by each clan Chosen by the women The women can also remove a council member if doing a bad job Algonquian Tribe Consisted of several clans Each tribe had a chief and several council members The tribe was considered more independent and less organized Iroquois Originally there were 5 feuding tribes They would form a league of tribes to keep from fighting each other A chief from each tribe sat on a tribal council Selected by the women One of these men would be chosen as the head chief There had to be an agreement between the head chief and all of the other chiefs on the council before any major decisions were set
III. Courts Non-existent They lived by right or wrong The idea of “An eye for an eye”
Chapter 2 Section 2 Their Homes, Their Culture, and Their Transportation
I. Homes Algonquian Wigwams Three Styles Dome Shaped Cone Shaped Tipi Rectangle One family to home Sweat house Acted like their own health spa Cold water poured over hot rocks which produced steam Iroquois Longhouses Possibly 12 families to one house 20’x100’ When a man got married he moved in with his wife’s family
II. Money System Bartering Trade system No money Just trading good for other goods
III. Clothing Deer Skin Hair is rotted out of Then tanned into buckskin Children remained cloth less until age ten
IV. Hair Women Long hair, never dyed Men More pride in their hair than women Usually covered in bear fat to make it glossy Sometimes soot was added to make it blacker
V. Religion Worship of nature Believed in one “Great Spirit” Algonquians Killed animals to survive However, they thought that the spirits of the animals were very powerful Treated the dead animals with respect so the spirits would not be angry Iroquois Believed in a number of powerful spirits They believed they could contact spirits through their dreams Acknowledged the forces of good and evil Master of Life Created the world His brother planned to destroy it
V. Transportation Water Canoe Pennsylvania is more land than water Series of trails throughout the state They would ford streams and rivers Ford means to find the best and shallowest part of the river to cross Trails Used for many different reasons Hunting Trading Visiting Fighting War Path Usually made on higher grounds Trading Path More of a direct route
Chapter 2 Sections 3 & 4 European Settlements
I. Settlements Creating a new colony Countries that created settlements in PA Sweden The Dutch English William Penn Born October 24, 1644 Attended Oxford University Began following the religion of the Quakers Quaker The Society of Friends Believe that all people are equal War is wrong
Church of England The king’s church in England during the 1600’s Started by Henry VIII Anyone who did not follow the church were imprisoned Penn’s Land Dreamed of a place where Quakers and all religious followers could worship freely The King Owed money to Penn’s father Could not afford the loan For repayment Penn asked for a land grant in North America
II. The Holy Experiment 1682 Travels with 100 Quakers to PA Survival Wood for homes Animals for food The Delaware Indians Taught hunting skills Farming skills Philadelphia The city of brotherly love
III. Laws Three major laws were made “The Great Law” All people were born equal “The Frame of Government” Set up a council and a General Assembly chosen by the citizens to discuss the needs and wants of the people “The Charter of Privileges” The colonies General Assembly could now suggest laws to be considered by the king or queen Still gave people freedom of religion