Contrasting the Primary School Education System in England & Hong Kong By Jolanda Chow
Introduction England vs Hong Kong Similar? Very different! H.K. was once a British colony 6 years in primary school 7 years in secondary school 3 years in university
How different? 3 main areas: 1. Learning environment 2. Teachers educational level 3. Method of teaching
1.Learning Environment 1. Larger school ground Usually only have 1 building! 2. Average class size: More modern resources: Less modern resources: - Interactive whiteboard - Computer suite - Overhead projectors England Hong Kong (Independent school: 12~15)(International Schools included)
2. Teachers educational level All state school teachers must be graduates Teachers hold either BEdu degree or Master in Education 20% primary school teachers are NOT graduates England Hong Kong 24.4% primary school teachers are NOT professionally trained
3. Method of teaching Science lessons General Studies Demonstration / Experiment More theory base EnglandHong Kong
Summary Other important issues… Mixed school? Single-sex school? Teachers own experience Further investigation Through-Train mode 1. Learning environment 2. Teachers educational level 3. Method of teaching
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