DSS Health Camp: findings and next steps
Agenda DSS Health Camp Summary Next Steps Appendix
DSS Health Camp Summary See Appendix for list of H+ and H kids for each specialized check
Next Steps: Step 1 Step 1 Vibha can set up a session between doctors and parents of kids that need immediate attention (H+/H) to make parents aware of the situation We are expecting the parents to take up the responsibility for their children We are yet to confirm with doctors
Next Steps: Step 2 Step 2 If in some cases the cost of treatment is prohibitive, and parents cannot bear it, then: –Vibha can forward those cases to Samvedna
Next Steps: Step 3 Step 3 If Samvedna is not able offer help on cases that have a prohibitive treatment cost then Vibha and DSS will work together to raise funds for those special cases
Appendix I: kids with severe (H+/H) eye problem
Appendix II: kids with severe (H+/H) dental problem 1/2; Contd…
Appendix II: kids with severe (H+/H) dental problem 2/2
Appendix III: kids with severe (H+/H) Cardio/ENT problems