Year 1- Summer Term/ Literacy RWI groups will continue this half term, with your child being placed in a group appropriate to their level. Children will be bringing home a RWI book to read with you- this must come back into school every day. We will be continuing guided reading carousels to ensure your child is reading with the teacher at least once every week, as well as developing their independent working skills and hand-writing. We will be doing lots of writing along side every topic lesson including Florence Nightingale and Roald Dahl. Grammar LIs: Understanding how to use commas. Understanding how to use question marks Using capital letters for names and places Article 29: You have the right to learn things and develop your skills in literacy.
Further reading The Enormous Crocodile- Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- Roald Dahl The Big Book of Holiday Things to Make and Do by Rebecca Gilpin The Great Extendable Colouring Book by Stu McLellan The Princess and the Pig- Julia Donaldson
Maths Here are the topics we will be covering in Numeracy this half term: Understand place value in 2-digit numbers by creating 2-digit numbers, placing them on a number line and solving place value additions and subtractions Recognise odd and even numbers; count in 2s, 5s and 10s, look for patterns; multiply by 2, 5, 10 by counting in groups/sets; find doubles to double 10 and related halves; halve odd numbers up to 10 Tell the time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour on analogue clocks Add 1-digit to 2-digit numbers, bridging 10 and using known facts Locate 2-digit numbers on a bead string and a 100-square, and order numbers to 100
Science This term Year One will be exploring the topic of light and how we see things. Children will explore where light comes from, how light helps us to see and how shadows are formed. The class will make observations and develop understanding for the importance of light.
Computing Unit : We are computer programmers The children will be exploring Espresso Coding where they will begin to understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs operate by following precise instructions. Vocabulary algorithm instructions predict problem program robot Skills programming logical thinking problem solving E-Safety Searching for content for programs or viewing others’ cartoons offers an opportunity to develop safe search habits.
Topic This term, Year One will be exploring the life of Florence Nightingale and her impact on hospitals today. We will learn about her early years, where she lived, what she did and how she became famous. We will develop our learning through writing about Florence Nightingale and work together in creating a display on The Lady with the Lamp.
P.E/Games Athletics This term Year One will be taking part in Athletics. Both Wednesday and Thursday P.E lessons will be outside so they need full P.E kit for each day. Athletics includes: 75 metre sprint 200 metres Javelin Discus Shot-put Sports day practice
Art/DT We will look at the work of famous artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Marc Chagall and create a picture in their common theme of ‘dreams’. We will create shadow puppets that will be used in Science to assist in exploring the concept of the importance of light. Music This term, Year One will be exploring rhyme, tempo and pitch. We will learn songs such as April Showers, Sun and Rain Rehearsals, When the Rains Stops and Gardens in the Rain.
R.E This term, Year One’s topic is the Natural World. Within this topic, they will be learning about how God created the world in seven days and why this is so important to Christians. PSHE This term we are focusing on team work and what it means to be a good team player. We will learn about the importance of being a caring and helpful person and the positive effects these choices have on our lives and the people around us.
Homework Handed outCollected in MathsFridayMonday LiteracyFridayThursday ReadingRead with your child frequently. Remember to sign their reading diaries. This term, outdoor P.E is on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. Please ensure your child has a full P.E kit all week which is clearly labelled. As it can still get cold, don’t forget jogging bottoms and a jumper for games! Long hair must be tied back and earrings covered or removed.