The fully active scintillator target is surrounded by nuclear targets and calorimeters. Interactions in the scintillator (CH n ) can be compared with interactions in the upstream Pb and Fe targets to probe nuclear effects. The MINERνA detector takes advantage of the unprecedented high intensity of the NuMI neutrino beam to build a detector capable of full reconstruction of exclusive final states. ECAL HCAL Fully Active Scintillating Strips Front CAL & Nuclear Targets Veto side ECAL side HCAL Detector Overview Topological reconstruction is supplemented by particle ID based on dE/dx, hermetic calorimetry, and charge identification for long muons and the ability to tag long-lived (strange) final-states with nanosecond hit timing. The fine grained, fully active central region allows excellent spatial and directional resolution. Sample π 0 production: ν µ p→ν µ pπ 0 Photon tracks distinguished and vertexed. Sample quasi-elastic event: ν µ n→pµ - Proton and muon tracks resolved and energy deposited shown as size of hit. Sample Events Beam and Data Sample MINERνA will run symbiotically in the NuMI beam constructed for the MINOS experiment. This intense beam, with adjustable horns, offers an energy reach from approximately 1Gev to 25Gev. The MIPP experiment will measure hadron production from the NuMI target, allowing the neutrino flux and spectrum to be determined with unprecedented accuracy for absolute cross section studies. 288k940kTotal 4.2k8.3kCoherent 125k420kDIS 65k210kTransition 70k196kResonant 42k103kElastic NCCCEvents/ton OD ECAL Modular Construction: For flexibility of design and ease of installation in the NuMI near hall, the detector is built in planes. Calorimeters absorbers are thin radiators covering scintillating strips. Shown is an upstream ECAL module, side view and magnification. Active elements are triangular bars of extruded scintillator with embedded WLS fibers that run to PMT boxes and then are readout on front-end electronic boards. extruded scintillator Pb+20%Fe Detector Elements Dortmund, Germany – E.Paschos; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – M.Andrews, D.Boehnlein, N.Grossman, D.A.Harris#, J.G.Morfin*, A.Pla-Dalmau, P.Rubinov, P.Shanahan, P.Spentzouris; Hampton University – M.E.Christy, W.Hinton, C.E.Keppel ; Illinois Institute of Technology - R.Burnstein, O.Kamaev, N.Solomey; Institute for Nuclear Study, Russia – R.Bradford, H.Budd, J.Chvojka, P.De Barbaro, S.Manly, K.McFarland*, J.Park, W.Sakumoto, J.Steinman; Rutgers University – R.Gilman, C.Glashausser, X.Jiang, G.Kumbartzki, R.Ransome, E.Schulte; Saint Xavier University – A.Chakravorty; Tufts University – D.Cherdack, H.Gallagher, T.Kafka, W.A.Mann, W.Oliver; College of William and Mary – J.K.Nelson, J.X.Yumiceva; University of Athens, Greece – D.Drakoulakos, P.Stamoulis, G.Tzanakos, M, Zois; University of California, Irvine – D.Casper, J.Dunmore, C.Regis, B.Ziemer; University of S.Kulagin; James Madison University - I.Niculescu, G.Niculescu; Northern Illinois University – G.Blazey, M.A.C.Cummings, V.Rykalin; Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility – W.K.Brooks, A.Brueli, R.Ent, D.Gaskell, W.Melnitchouk, S.Wood; University of Pittsburgh – S.Boyd, S.Dytman, M.S.Kim, D.Naples, V.Paolone; University of Rochester – A.Bodek, * - Co-SpokespersonPurple – HEP Experimental # - Project ManagerBlue – Nuclear Experimental Red - Theory Proposal and Addendum located at hep-ex/
April 2004 – Stage I approval from FNAL PAC October 2004 – Complete first Vertical Slice Test with MINERνA extrusions, WLS fiber and Front-End electronics January 2005 – First Project Director’s (‘Temple’) Review Summer 2005 – Second Vertical Slice Test End CY 2005 – Projected Date for MINERvA Project Baseline Review October 2006 – Start of Construction Summer 2008 – Begin MINERvA Installation and Commissioning in NuMI Near Hall MINERνA Status and Projected Milestones Measurements of quasi-elastic neutrino scattering in MINERνA will allow a precise measurement of the axial form factor of the proton as a function of Q 2. Precision measurement of coherent pion production will allow the first measurement of the A-dependence of this process. Coherent π 0 production is a background to ν e searches. Hadronic/Nuclear Physics With MINERνA Below: World data on charged current coherent pion production, with the prediction of the Rein-Sehgal model. Available data do not cover the range of nuclei used in modern detectors, and in the few-GeV regime are limited to two Measurements with almost 100% errors. Even for quasi-elastic scattering, experimental uncertainties due to the nucleon form factor and nuclear effects are relatively large. Above: Existing data on charged current single pion production with predictions from the Neugen simulation. The data are characterized by small statistical power, undocumented corrections for nuclear effects, and uncertain absolute normalization. The poor agreements between different measurements reflects these problems. Data on exclusive multi-pion and strange particle production and neutral currents is even more limited. The transition between resonant and DIS regimes is likewise very poorly understood. Existing Cross-Section Data Pion production contaminates kinematic reconstruction of neutrino energy in K2K and T2K, limiting precision measurements of Δm 2 23 and sin 2 2θ 23. Cross-section uncertainties and final-state interactions smear E vis →E ν calibration for MINOS and NOνA as well. Oscillation changes the mixture of reaction types between near and far detectors – an important source of systematic uncertainty. Oscillation Physics: Motivation Dortmund, Germany – E.Paschos; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – M.Andrews, D.Boehnlein, N.Grossman, D.A.Harris#, J.G.Morfin*, A.Pla-Dalmau, P.Rubinov, P.Shanahan, P.Spentzouris; Hampton University – M.E.Christy, W.Hinton, C.E.Keppel ; Illinois Institute of Technology - R.Burnstein, O.Kamaev, N.Solomey; Institute for Nuclear Study, Russia – R.Bradford, H.Budd, J.Chvojka, P.De Barbaro, S.Manly, K.McFarland*, J.Park, W.Sakumoto, J.Steinman; Rutgers University – R.Gilman, C.Glashausser, X.Jiang, G.Kumbartzki, R.Ransome, E.Schulte; Saint Xavier University – A.Chakravorty; Tufts University – D.Cherdack, H.Gallagher, T.Kafka, W.A.Mann, W.Oliver; College of William and Mary – J.K.Nelson, J.X.Yumiceva; University of Athens, Greece – D.Drakoulakos, P.Stamoulis, G.Tzanakos, M, Zois; University of California, Irvine – D.Casper, J.Dunmore, C.Regis, B.Ziemer; University of S.Kulagin; James Madison University - I.Niculescu, G.Niculescu; Northern Illinois University – G.Blazey, M.A.C.Cummings, V.Rykalin; Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility – W.K.Brooks, A.Brueli, R.Ent, D.Gaskell, W.Melnitchouk, S.Wood; University of Pittsburgh – S.Boyd, S.Dytman, M.S.Kim, D.Naples, V.Paolone; University of Rochester – A.Bodek, * - Co-SpokespersonPurple – HEP Experimental # - Project ManagerBlue – Nuclear Experimental Red - Theory Proposal and Addendum located at hep-ex/ The plot at left shows a case study of a search for θ 13 with the proposed NOνA experiment. Without better understanding of the backgrounds, provided by MINERνA, the experiment will be limited by systematics for values of θ 13 close to the CHOOZ bound. The plot at right shows a case study of MINERνA’s ability to improve the precision measurement of Δm 2 23 by reducing systematic uncertainties in the neutrino energy reconstruction. With better understanding of hadron production and final-state interactions, MINOS can achieve a sensitivity comparable To double the planned number of protons on target without MINERνA. Oscillation Physics: Impact for 2004 NOνA design, hep-ex/41005