Level34567 Fractions, decimals, percentages. I can recognise what fraction of a diagram has been shaded. I can use my understanding of equivalent fractions to recognise what fraction of a diagram has been shaded. I can cancel down a fraction to its simplest form. I can change some fractions to decimals and percentages using non calculator methods. I can change any fractions to a decimal and a percentages. I know when it is sensible to use a calculator and when it isn’t. I can convert a recurring decimal into a fraction. Where are you on the learning journey? Where do you want to get to?
LO To convert fractions to decimals and percentages.RAG Key Words: Numerator, Denominator, Equivalent17-Oct-15 Starter Activity Match the decimals to the percentages, fractions and equivalent fractions.
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Level34567 Fractions, decimals, percentages. I can recognise what fraction of a diagram has been shaded. I can use my understanding of equivalent fractions to recognise what fraction of a diagram has been shaded. I can cancel down a fraction to its simplest form. I can change some fractions to decimals and percentages using non calculator methods. I can change any fractions to a decimal and a percentages. I know when it is sensible to use a calculator and when it isn’t. I can convert a recurring decimal into a fraction. Where are you on the learning journey? Where do you want to get to?
Reflection How confident were you with the starter activity? Your confidence level will help you to decide which task is appropriate for you.
I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding.
I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding.
I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding.
I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding.
Level34567 Fractions, decimals, percentages I can recognise what fraction of a diagram has been shaded. I can use my understanding of equivalent fractions to recognise what fraction of a diagram has been shaded. I can cancel down a fraction to its simplest form. I can change some fractions to decimals and percentages using non calculator methods. I can change any fractions to a decimal and a percentages. I know when it is sensible to use a calculator and when it isn’t. I can convert a recurring decimal into a fraction. What task should I work on? Task ATask BTask CTask DTask E Where are you on the learning journey? Where do you want to get to?
Work in pairs or threes but decide which level of task is the most suitable for you. The group does not have to complete all of the 3 tasks, you can all work on the same task or you can all work on different tasks. The important thing is to make sure that you discuss your methods for your chosen task with everyone in the group.
Task A Match each fraction to a square, circle, word and rectangle. Then, for as many as you can, write down the equivalent decimal and percentage.
Task B - Match each diagram to a fraction. Task C – For each diagram write down the fraction in its lowest terms and for as many as you can write down the equivalent decimal and percentage.
Task D 1.Split your page / paper into two columns. 2.One column is for the fractions that you can change into percentages and decimals easily without a calculator. 3.The other column is for the fractions that it would be more sensible to change into percentages and decimals using a calculator. 4.You should do as many as possible without a calculator. 5.You must explain your working out to your group. 6.Add some extra fractions to each column and explain how you know when and why it is sensible to use a calculator to convert fractions into percentages and decimals and when it isn’t necessary.
Without a Calculator With a calculator X√
Task E
Change each of these decimals into fraction. Show your method clearly next to each question.
Task E Match each decimal to a fraction. Some of the decimals do not have a matching fraction, fill out the blank cards with these missing fractions
One question I would like answered… Two things I am not sure about yet…. Three things I have mastered … Progress Pyramid
One question I would like answered… Two things I am not sure about yet…. Three things I have mastered … Progress Pyramid