Text TestText 1 Select Stick Note 2 Ctrl Drag to copy 3 Double Click to add text Date:Version: Market Forces Key Trends Industry Forces Macroeconomic Forces
1, Customer Segments - For whom are we creating value? - Who are most important customers? Examples: mass market, niche market, segmented, diversified, multi-sided platform Block Instructions 2, Value Propositions - What value do we deliver to the customer? - Which one of our customers' problems are we helping to solve? - What bundles of products and services are we offering to each customer segment? - Which customer needs are we satisfying? Characteristics: newness, performance, customization, getting the job done, design, brand or status, price, cost reduction, risk reduction, accessibility, convenience or usability. 4, Customer Relationships - What type of relationships does each of our customer segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? - Which ones have we established? - How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? - How costly are they? Examples: personal assistants, dedicated personal assistants, self service, automated services, communities, co-creation. 3, Channels - Through which channels do our customer segments want to be reached? - How do we reached them now? - How are our channels integrated? - Which ones work best? - Which ones are most cost efficient? - How are we integrated that with customer routines? Channel phases: Awareness (how do we raise awareness about the companies products and services?), Evaluation (how do we help customers evaluate our organizations value proposition?), Purchase (how do we allow customers to purchase specific products and services?), Delivery (how do we deliver a value proposition to customers?), After Sales (how do we provide post-purchase customer support?)
5, Revenues Streams For what value are customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently paid? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each revenue stream contributes to overall revenues? Types: asset sale, usage fee, subscriptions fees, lending or renting or leasing, licensing, brokerage fees, advertising. Fixed pricing: list price, product featured attended, customer segment dependent, VOL dependent. Dynamic pricing: negotiation or bargaining, yield management, real time market. 6, Key Resources What key resources do our value propositions require? Our distribution channels? Customer relations? Revenue streams? Types of resources: physical, intellectual, human, financial 9, Cost Structure - What are the most important cost inherent in our business model? - Which key resources are most expensive? - Which key activities are most expensive? Is your business more: cost dividend (leanest cost structure, low price value proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing), value driven (focused on value creation, premium value proposition) Sample characteristics: fixed cost (salaries rent utilities), variable cost, economies of scale, economies of scope 7, Key Activities - What key activities does our value propositions require? - Our distribution channels? - Customer relationships? Categories: production, problem solving, platform or network 8, Key Partners - Who are our key partners? - Who are our key suppliers? - Which key resources are we acquiring from partners? - What key activities to partners perform? Motivations for partnerships: optimization and economy, reduction of risk and uncertainty, acquisition of particular resources and activities
10, Market Forces Market Issues: - What are the critical issues affecting the customer landscape? - What shifts are underway and where is market heading? Market Segments: - Can you define the customer segment further by demographic and psychographic characteristics? - Are there specific customer segments growing or shrinking? - Are there peripheral segments that deserve more attention? Needs & Demands: - What to customer need? - What are the biggest unsatisfied customer needs? - Where is demand increasing/decreasing? Switching Costs: - What binds customers to a company and its offer? - What switching costs prevent customers from defecting to competitors? - Is it easy for customers to find and purchase similar offers? - How important is your brand? Revenue Attractiveness: - What are customers willing to pay for? - Where can the largest margins be achieved? - Can customers find and purchase cheaper products/services? 11, Key Trends Technology Trends: - What are the major tech trends inside/outside your market? - Which technologies represent opportunities/treats? - Are there emerging peripheral trends that could affect your market? - Which emerging technologies are peripheral customers adopting? Regulatory Trends: - Are there new or upcoming regulatory trends that will influence your market? - Are there current or new regulations/taxes that will affect customer demand? Social & Cultural Trends: - What are the key demographic/psycographic trends? - What is the wealth distribution in your market? - Is there sufficient disposable/discretionary income levels to support buying your product/Service? - What are your customer's spending patterns and are they changing? - What affect does the customers location (city, country) play? Socioeconomic Trends: - Are their shifts in cultural and social values that could affect our market? - What trends might influence buyer behaviors?
12, Industry Forces Competitors: - Who are your key competitors? - Who are the dominant players? - What are their competitive advantages? - What customer segments are they focused on? - What are their cost structures? - Can they exert influence on your margins? - Are your competitors expanding or fading? New Entrants: - Are value chain companies expanding into your space? - How are they different? - What barriers do they have to overcome? - Do they have a different value proposition? Substitute Products and Services: - Which products/services could replace yours? - How much do they cost compared to yours? - How easy/hard is it for customers to switch to substitutes? 13, Macroeconomic Forces Market Conditions: - Is economy in a boom or bust phase and what affects will it have on your model? - What is happening in global and local economies that can effect your model? - What is the unemployment rate and will it affect your model? Capital Markets: - What is the state of the capital markets and it affects on your model? - How easy is it to obtain funding in your market segment? - Is seed capital available? - How costly is it to procure funds? Commodities & Other Resources: - What is the current and expected future status of commodity markets (IE oil, labor, raw materials,etc.) and will it affect your model? - How easy/hard will it be to obtain necessary resources? - How costly are they? - What directions are prices headed? Economic Infrastructure: - What is the status of the infrastructure in your market? - What is the status of transportation, trade, talent base, and access to suppliers/customers? - Are individual and corporate tax rates conducive to your model? - What is the state of public services and organizations you will be dealing with? - What is the quality of life and its affects on your model?