Welcome to our Upper KS2 meeting 0n Progression in Calculations
Understanding and Using Calculations For all calculations, children need to: Decide on the most appropriate method i.e. mental, mental with jottings, written method or calculator Approximate before calculating and check whether their answer is reasonable.
Facts need to be learnt off by heart Tables – Vital for multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, measures and problem solving. Doubles - both whole and decimal numbers. Halves – both whole and decimal numbers. Need to practise counting up and down in different amounts.
Grid Method x 7 =
Grid Method x Children have to develop their understanding of related facts. 23 x 35= Show Video 1
Once children are confident at grid method they will move on to column multiplication.
Have a go at solving this multiplication using the grid method x 4
10x -4 2x2x 48 ÷ 4 = 12
Division by Chunking Recall of multiplication tables helps make this method more efficient, e.g. 72 ÷ 3.
Division by Chunking e.g. 196 ÷ 6 Watch Video of HTU ÷ TU
1 x 7 = 7 2 x 7 = 14 5 x 7 = x 7 = 70
Have a go at solving this division using the chunking method ÷8 Watch Video to find the answer
Applying what you know 73 children and 8 adults are going on a school trip. How many buses do they need to hire if buses have 25 seats (not including the driver’s seat!) I have saved £230. A train ticket costs £50. How many tickets can I buy.