The local development strategy content Jela Tvrdonova, 2012
Local development strategy structure Vision – an idea about the future of the village or micro-region Resource Audit, situation analysis SWOT analysis Problem analysis Strategic and specific development objectives Action and Financial planning Setting up monitoring and evaluation framework Setting up the implementation framework
The strategy framework - completed Priorities for development Analysis (SWOT and problem a.) Partnership Resource audit, situation description Specific objectives Strategic objective I n t e r v e n t i o n Measures, activities, fin. Territory Vision
New approach to participatory developed SWOT analysis (open) Resource Audit is the base of the SWOT analysis of the territory development The SWOT is open and reflect the open system of the rural territory – versus relatively closed environment of the single business SWOT comes out of identification of development patterns instead just technical listing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats The reason is to identify in interaction with local people these patterns and its meaning for further development of the area Therefore the analysis is divided into two parts: - Analysis of strengths and weaknesses from the point of actual situation - Analysis of opportunities and threats from the point of the future development
Participatory Problem Analysis The necessary bridge between SWOT and the strategic framework Enables to identify participants key areas/priorities for intervention of the strategy The logical framework of the problem analysis Setting up major problems/development challanges of the area Select key problems /development challanges of the area with the question: what shall be solved first in order to reach the whished change on effective, efficient and sustainable manner? Find alternative solutions Conduct the cost/benefit analysis and select best solutions Identify the development priorities The successful problem analysis is very important for setting up right strategic and specific objectives which address key problems of the development
Strategic framework
Setting up objectives and development priorities Based on the identification of key problems, the most effective, efficient and sustainable solutions – setting up the main development priorities for the given period of time Focus on the setting up specific objectives – defining the desired change in the given development priority (Results) Setting up general overall objectives – defining the change for the territory in broader sense (Impact) in another words what the proposed development priorities can change in long run
Strategic framework Strategic goal (area long term or at least medium term qualitative change) S imple M easurable A chieveble R ealistic T ime oriented (2015) Priority I(development priority) Priority II (development priority) Specific objectives (sector or priority specific short or medium term qualitative change) S imple M easurable A chieveble R ealistic T ime oriented (2015) Specific objectives Measures
Action framework
Action/operational plan Is the elaboration of the development programme into concrete steps/project proposals: It should be : Realistic Concrete Flexible Expression of the common development priorities of the partnership Transparent Monitored and evaluated
Action Plan Strategic Goal Priority Specific objective Measure Activities Projects
The structure of the measure Rationale Objective Eligible activities Eligible costs Eligible beneficiaries Size and number of projects Co-financing by beneficiary Monitoring indicators
Financial framework
Action and financial plan Measur es and activitie s Beneficiar ies Max. – min. budget per project Number of projects expected Co- financing by beneficiar ies Financial plan Tot al Public expenditures Privat e exp. StateReg.Loc.
From actions and money to the monitoring and evaluation It is important that local people participate in strategic and action planning so they can follow also monitoring and evaluation process. It is important to recognize in time what our proposed actions can do in favor of our objectives, desired change and the overall wel being of the people and the area The enhancement of the monitoring and evaluation skills of the LAG starts in participative development of the strategy and action and financial plans
Monitoring and evaluation framework To set up proper monitoring mechanism – indicators – input and output indicators (reflecting the activities and projects level) To set up proper evaluation system – result (reflecting specific objectives) and impact indicators (reflecting strategic goals) To design the system together with the setting up objectives, goals, priorities, measures and activities
The local development strategy framework - completed Priorities for development Analysis (SWOT and problem a.) Partnership Resource audit, situation description Specific objectives Strategic objective I n t e r v e n t i o n Measures, activities, fin. Impact Result Output Territory Vision Evalu ation and moni torin g
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