The NAIF Node PDSMC Report Addresses both NAIF Node and Core SPICE Development March 25, 2010 Charles Acton.


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Presentation transcript:

The NAIF Node PDSMC Report Addresses both NAIF Node and Core SPICE Development March 25, 2010 Charles Acton

2 The Five Faces of NAIF Core SPICE System Development SPICE Deployment and Operations on planetary missions NAIF Node of the PDS Development Flight OperationsArchive Operations 30% 15% 23%22% NASA funded support for ESA’s MEX and Rosetta Missions, and Russia’s Grunt mission 10% AMMOS Funding of some SPICE extensions, bug fixes and porting Percentages are relative to total NAIF Funding

Use of SPICE in Mission Operations 3

4 Space Agencies Using SPICE Ames JPL JSC Marshall Langley GSFC GRC ESTEC ESOC ESAC RSA ISRO JAXA CNES DLR ASI CSA SWRI LASP APL MIT NASA Field Centers U.S. Institutions Canadian Space Agency European Space Agency French Space Agency German Space Agency Indian Space Research Organization Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Russian Federal Space Agency CNSA?

The original focus of SPICE 5 Flight Project Uses of SPICE Mission Design Mission Design Mission Evaluation from Science Perspective Mission Evaluation from Science Perspective Mission Evaluation from Engineering Perspective Mission Evaluation from Engineering Perspective DSN Scheduling, Metric Predicts and Media Calibration DSN Scheduling, Metric Predicts and Media Calibration Science Observation Planning Spacecraft Performance Analysis Spacecraft Performance Analysis Produce Science Data Products Produce Science Data Products Science Data Archive Preparation Science Data Archive Preparation Science Research Science Research Animations for Education and Public Outreach Animations for Education and Public Outreach Navigation Operations Support Navigation Operations Support Implementation Operations Post mission SPICE Data Files Mission Concept Development Mission Concept Development Conception Mission Phases SPICE Toolkit Software

Archive Status 6 Mars Odyssey Cassini MER Rovers MRO MESSENGER New Horizons Mars Express Venus Express Rosetta Hayabusa Awaiting SBN review NExT EPOXI MSL Juno Phobos-Grunt LRO Restorations Magellan Voyager Phoenix LCROSS Galileo

PDS 2010 Support Participating as requested in various activities –Level is rather small, but apparently adequate –Design seems ok so far regarding SPICE »One small change being worked by EN/NAIF Status of new core SPICE capabilities that might help with future PDS 2010 services –Java Native Interface to SPICE (JNISpice) »Could make building modern PDS tools (“geometry engine”, etc.) easier to build »Alpha-test version is out in the community now –Geometry finder subsystem »Substantial capability available in current Toolkit (N63) »A bit more to be added in next Toolkit release 7

Other Items IPDA Ancillary Data Project –Not sure if this could/should move forward »Not too much interest; folks are busy with other items »Perhaps just maintaining the status quo with regard to ancillary data (i.e. no “project”) is best? SPICE Training –Recent classes held in Tokyo*, Pasadena, Madrid* –Moscow training coming up in May (using PhSRM funds) –The NAIF team now believes major changes are needed »Separate tutorials for individual use versus those presented at classes »More extensive/meaty “hands-on” programming lessons »If doable, provide three different classes: Beginners (for consumers) – a simplified version of the current class Kernel producers Advanced (for consumers and producers) 8 * Travel costs reimbursed by JAXA and ESA, respectively

9 Toolkit Download Metrics N63 to date: 2868 (up 5% over N62) 3/16/09 – 3/18/10 –Fortran: 735 –C: 1177 –IDL: 441 –MATLAB: 515 –PC: 2175 –Mac Intel 453 –Sun 136 –Mac PPC 104 N62: 2734 (up 21% over N61) 3/5/08 - 3/15/09 – Fortran: 673 –C: 1200 –IDL: 383 –MATLAB: 478

10 Some Recent Accomplishments “Geometry finder” subsystem released Alpha-test Java interface to SPICE released Minimal further development of new shape models: –tessellated plate model –digital elevation model Several new computing environments supported –Total is now 34 Participated in NASA Software of the Year competition –Runner-up All mission SPICE data are promptly archived –Includes data from APL and ESA –“FURNSH” kernels provide convenient aggregations of related SPICE data files SPICE Archiving Guide and allied tools improved and distributed Modest improvements to training materials –Programming lessons and tutorials SPICE training classes held in Japan, U.S. and Europe New SPICE data set sub setting service implemented Identified several problems with LRO data processing Core SPICE Development NAIF Node

11 Examples of Planned Work Complete the Java interface to SPICE Python interface to SPICE Additions to the “geometry finder” subsystem Complete the shape model subsystem Ephemeris selection aide “GEOCALC” web-based geometry calculator tool* Frame construction and visualization tool* All mission SPICE data archived on time Participate in PDS2010 Participate in IPDA? Complete the NAIF node backup arrangement Revamped SPICE training curriculum More SPICE training classes Complete restorations for Magellan and Galileo Core SPICE Development NAIF Node *Involves AMMOS co-funding

12 Questions for NAIF’s Advisory Board (That’s you!) What problems have you discerned, or heard of… –regarding Core SPICE Development? –regarding NAIF Node Operations? Are SPICE Development and NAIF Node Operations appropriately integrated into the PDS enterprise –Where might improvements be made? What are your recommendations for modification to NAIF’s plans for future work*… –regarding Core SPICE Development? –regarding NAIF Node Operations? * NAIF can provide more details on planned work to anyone interested in this.

Backup 13

14 NAIF Functions Funded by “PDS” Design, Implement, Test, Document … … all SPICE Toolkit software and data file designs Develop archive standards and tools Receive and peer review SPICE archives Distribute archived SPICE data Provide expert advice on use of archived SPICE data and allied Toolkit software Produce training materials Provide SPICE classes Operate the NAIF Node of PDS Participate in all PDS activities Core SPICE Development NAIF Node

15 NAIF’s Perception of Customer’s Opinions SPICE works quite well –Used by all NASA planetary missions –Adopted by many non- planetary missions –Adopted by all major foreign space agencies –Hundreds of users –Very few bugs/errors –Very few complaints Principal complaints –Substantial learning curve –NAIF is slow to provide: »new language interfaces »new supported platforms »new capabilities NAIF does pretty well –SPICE data archives are on time, correct, complete, and well documented –Customer support is excellent –Lots of use of the web pages and NAIF server –Very few complaints Principal complaints –Need to offer more kinds of focused classes –Classes should have less lecturing, more student programming –Can be hard to select needed data file(s) »(This applies more to mission operations data than to archived data) Core SPICE Development NAIF Node Based in part on customer s and face-to-face discussions

16 NAIF’s View of Its Challenges Our work lists are long and getting longer Maintaining all we offer is very time consuming –lots of code –lots of languages –lots of platforms –lots of documents and will become more so as we continue to add new capabilities, new languages and new platforms. Some non-JPL NASA projects are unprepared to produce good and complete SPICE data sets The current central catalog interface to archived SPICE data does not work well Preparing for and conducting training classes takes a great deal of effort–principally because SPICE continues to evolve Helping users takes a good deal of time, especially for those who are neophytes or are in a hurry If/when/how to deal with foreign planetary missions remains largely a mystery Need to finish ancillary data restorations Core SPICE Development NAIF Node In addition to the issues noted on the previous chart…

17 More Uses of SPICE Teaching Students National Defense Applications Radio Astronomy Selecting Science Data From an Archive Space Technology Demonstrations Orbital Mechanics Research Ephemerides for Observatories Spacecraft Collision Avoidance