An Epic Poem. Epic: a long narrative poem about a national or legendary hero.


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Presentation transcript:

An Epic Poem

Epic: a long narrative poem about a national or legendary hero.

Wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey One of the best known Greek Poets He was possibly blind

The Trojan War  Fought when Paris kidnapped Helen from Sparta The Iliad focuses on the war itself  Named for the area in which it was fought, Ilium. The Odyssey focuses on Odysseus’ trip home Focuses on both the gods and the mortals NOT WRITTEN DOWN

Odysseus (in Greek), also known as Ulysses (in Latin).

Responsible for the fall of Troy  The Trojan Horse Angers the gods fighting on Troy’s side Takes him ten years to get home

11,300 lines long Three major plot strands  Story of Penelope, Odysseus’ wife, and Telemachus, his son  Story of Odysseus’ wanderings in his attempt to get home  Story of what happens when he does get home