Color Idioms Let’s Learn Color Idioms
Beet Red (Dark red, usually to describe the face)
Red Handed ( Caught in the Act of doing something bad)
Red Tape (Paper work)
Red Eye ( An airplane flight that takes off after midnight)
Yellow-Bellied (Cowardly)
The Green light Permission For example: The builders were given the ‘green light’ to begin the tower.
Green with Envy To be very Jealous. For example: She is green with envy over her sister’s new boyfriend.
Grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence You always want what you can’t have. For example: Another man’s rice cake always seems bigger.
To have the blues (To be really sad or depressed) Also, a style of music.
Once in a blue moon Very rarely For example: We only go out for dinner once in a blue moon.
Out of the blue Unexpectedly, suddenly For example: I got offered a job out of the blue last week on the bus.
Born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Born into a rich family, or just really spoiled.
Every cloud has a silver lining There is always something good to get out of a situation.
Golden opportunity The perfect moment to do something.
Black and White Straight forward, very clear. The rules we gave the kids were black and white, no answering the phone or door.
Gray area (Shades of Gray) Not straight forward, unclear.
True Colours Real self For example: Sherryl doesn’t show her true colours when she has guests over.
With flying colours With distinction. I passed my test with flying colours!!