Welcome Parents! Back to School Night Ms. Almanzar
Room 21 Classroom Expectations Come to class on time and prepared! Make sure you walk into class with your homework completed and the required materials. Respect your classmates, yourself, your teacher(s), and school property. Meaning there is a ZERO Tolerance Policy for demeaning, derogatory, or destructive attitudes and behaviors towards teachers or classmates. Always try your best! Always enter Room 21 with a positive attitude! Delete ALL social media apps from your iPad before walking into your homeroom. *If your child follows these expectations, we will have a wonderful school year!
Quick Class Info In math, the students will be using their iPads daily, and My Big Campus will be a big part of our classroom. Many resources will be linked to our class page for the students to access. Therefore, it is extremely important that your child brings their iPad to school everyday. Other materials needed to succeed in my class: 3 subject notebook or 3 ring binder A folder Pencils Highlighter TI 34 Calculator
Math 7 Curriculum Digits Curriculum Online textbooks The online homework offers: Similar Exercises “Show Me How to Solve” option Videos modeling that specific concepts. Link:
My Big Campus All homework assignments will be posted on My Big Campus daily on our class page calendar. Class Pages: Ms Almanzar's Period 1/2Ms Almanzar's Period 5/6 Ms Almanzar's Period 9/10Ms Almanzar's Period 11/12 Link:
Middle School Mathematics Grading Criteria Academic RequirementsPercentages Tests and Quizzes50% Journals/Projects/ Alternative Assessments 20% Classwork / Participation10% Homework10% Cumulative Assessments5% District Quarterly Assessment5%
Additional Information: Links to the online textbook, additional copies of the course syllabus and progress chart for next year can be found on my school webpage. Go to: On the top left hand side, click on the drop box and then click on T. Schor Middle School Click on Staff Website tab Finally click on Almanzar, Lesly (This will direct you to my school webpage.)
Availability : Contact Info: Miss Almanzar 7 th Grade Mathematics Room 21 (732) ext Monday- Thursdays: 7:45 am – 8:05 am (please or call me beforehand)