1. You will need a pencil. 2. With your group decide which scientist had the greatest impact on science today. 3. Share with the class as asked by Ellie, Lisa, or Jason.
WHAT YOU WILL NEED:WHAT YOU WILL DO: 1 Paper Plate Pencil Colored Pencils or Crayons Scientists Handout Protractor Calculator Using the handout about the 5 scientists we have studied from the Scientific Revolution order them from least influential to most influential by numbering them 1-5. Decide how much influence (in percentages) each scientist had on the Renaissance and today. Create a pie chart. Divide the pie chart into 5 sections of varying sizes to represent the percentage of influence each scientist had on the Renaissance. Write a paragraph that explains who you picked as the most influential scientist and explain how his discoveries still impact us today. In other words give evidence that shows the scientist’s impact on today’s world.
EXAMPLE OF PIE CHART (FRONT OF PAPER PLATE) EXAMPLE OF PARAGRAPH (BACK OF PAPER PLATE) I think __________________ is the most influential scientist because… (Give evidence from the handout and from present- day examples.) Your paragraph should be approximately 8-10 sentences.
BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGEWHAT YOU WILL DO: You have learned how to create pie charts (circle graphs) in your Science class. I expect you to use those skills while you are in this class. To the right is a review of what you learned in science about making pie charts (circle graphs). Turn your percent into a decimal. (50% =.50; 75% =.75) Take the decimal and multiply it by 360 to get a degree (.50 * 360 = 180 ;.07 * 360 = 25 ) All degrees should add up to 360. Use your protractor!
HOW YOU WILL BE GRADED:WHEN YOU FINISH: ___/2Name on back of paper plate. ___/5Created a pie chart where percentages add up to 100% ____/2 Includes a title for your chart. ___/10Each section of the pie chart is labeled with one scientist’s name and their percentage of influence ___/15 Paragraph is typed on the back of the paper plate and includes evidence. ___/2 Each section is colored a different color and names/percentages are easy to read. _____/36_____% PROJECT GRADE Staple the rubric to the front of your paper plate. Turn paper plates in.
1. Based on the weekend’s homework & today’s lesson, in at least two detailed (2) paragraphs, students are asked to assess this era in terms of being classified as a turning point in history. Whatever conclusion you arrive at (turning point, or not), all asked to write using specific words, phrases, individuals, creations/inventions, etc., in determining an outcome either way. 2. Lastly, be sure to carefully read Ch