Tsung Tsin Christian Academy Day 1 Big Group Sharing 20th September, 2010
Academy Anthem Now thank we all our God, With heart and hands and voices, Who wond'rous things hath done, In whom Tsung Tsin rejoices; Who from our founding year Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today.
Academy Anthem O may this bounteous God, Through all the years be near us, With charity and hope And lasting faith sustain us; O help Tsung Tsin to grow And challenges to face; Vouchsafe to keep Tsung Tsin Forever in Thy grace.
The Academy Prayer Almighty God, We beseech Thee To grant our academy Thy gracious favour That knowledge may ever be Enlarged and deepened; And all good learning Flourish and abound. Bless all who teach And all who learn; And grant That both teachers and learners, In humility of heart, May look ever upward unto Thee, Who art the Fountain of all wisdom; Who art the Fountain of all wisdom; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Day 1 Theme Servant Leadership Servant Leadership
Leader should live …. Purpose driven life Purpose driven life
Activity 1 Imagine what the picture is in Imagine what the picture is in 2015 (5 years after) 2020 (10 years after) 2030 (20 years after) 2040 (30 years after)
Is goal setting important? True story of the 1924 Olympics. Eric Liddell disqualified himself from the 100 meters because he wouldn't run on the Sabbath. A teammate gave up his spot in the 400 meters so that he would have a chance at a medal on another day.
Is goal setting important? Activity 2: Activity 2: There is a longitudinal study in Harvard University, USA, in the ’70 of the last century. It started with a statistical investigation. There is a longitudinal study in Harvard University, USA, in the ’70 of the last century. It started with a statistical investigation.
Is goal setting important? Please put a tick to whichever best describes you in the table. Then gather 10 classmates to see the percentage distribution. Do not have a clear goal in life Only have vague goal Have a clear but short term goal Have a clear and long term goal 27% 60% 10% 3%
Activity 3: What do you expect about these people in their lives after 30 years? Activity 3: What do you expect about these people in their lives after 30 years?
Is goal setting important? Investigation result Do not have a clear goal in life Only have vague goal Have a clear but short term goal Have a clear and long term goal Lower class in the society, unsatisfactory life Middle to lower class in the society, steady work but no special achievement Middle to upper class in the society, satisfy goals from time to time, professionals Elite in the society, leaders in the profession
Hymn No. 19 I know who holds the future I know who holds the future
Reflection Question Draft your goals for 1 year, 5 years and 10 years, each in ONE sentence. Draft your goals for 1 year, 5 years and 10 years, each in ONE sentence.