Chris Netherwood Allen Richmond
Young Enterprise With more than 40 years’ experience, Young Enterprise is the UK’s leading business and enterprise education charity. It offers a range of programs, based on the principle of Learning by Doing, which brings volunteers from business into the classroom to work with teachers and students. The program that we are going to run enables students to work together to run their own real company.
Throughout your life at School, College or University you are constantly making decisions and choices that will affect your future forming friendships, deciding which subjects to take choosing whether to work hard at your studies deciding whether to get involved in school groups and extra-curricular activities. And you never know when one of these decisions will change your life. Well here comes another one...
How prepared are you for the future? Hopefully you will gain the qualifications you need to embark on the career of your choice, but will you have the business skills necessary to make your career a success, or will you have the extra edge that will get you your dream job? Perhaps you would like to have a go at setting up your own business, but do you know where to start? This is where Young Enterprise comes in!
What is a Young Enterprise Company? It is a real business enterprise run like a limited company. It will be formed and run by students (YOU!) who must be shareholders and Directors of your company It will give you the opportunity to test out your ideas, your skills and your ability to cope with new and often difficult situations
Dayncourt’s Young Enterprise Business Advisors are from the Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club Chris Netherwood Career in banking Ex Regional Director of HSBC Allen Richmond Sales and Marketing Ex of East Midlands Electricity
Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club
Rotary Club Locally Internationally Rotary's programs for students and youth can change the lives of those who participate. Through these programs, young people can earn scholarships, travel on cultural exchanges, or help a community through a service project.
Company Roles and what they require Managing Director Leadership & motivation, good communicator, diplomatic, fair, strength when times are tough Company Secretary Good coordinator & communicator, organised, logical, good at keeping records Finance Director Resourceful, good with numbers, trustworthy, can present reports, accurate, good communicator Operations Director Organised, logical, good at managing people, good understanding of costs Human Resources Director Diplomatic, tactful, negotiator, proactive, understands and gets the best from people Sales Director Good communicator, understands importance of price and costs, good with customers Marketing Director Innovative, creative, good at planning, coordination skills, can motivate the team IT Director Computer literacy, knowledge of internet, influencing skills, planning, organisation
Events EventDateVenue Launch meeting16 th SeptExperian Director training8 th OctDjanogly Academy More training/ workshops3 rd FebNottingham Trent University Trade Fair1 st MarchBroadmarsh Centre Presentations10 th /12 th MarchExperian Area Final31 st MarchCouncil House County FinalMayUniversity of Nottingham LiquidationBy 31 st JulySchool
Down to you now! What ideas do you have for a Dayncourt School Company?
I hear and I forget I see and I remember I DO and I understand Confucius (Chinese philosopher 500BC)