History of CO
The first efforts at community organisation for socia lwelfare initiated in the united kingdom during the 19 th century to overcome the problem of acute poverty which led to beggary. Thus, the London society of organizing charitable relief and repressing mendicancy was formed.
Its functions were to organise the poor, collect funds to meet their base need and enable them to lead moral lives through education and thus assimilate them into english society. The settlement house movement originated in england during This house created to meet the needs of rural poor who flocked into the cities.
In 1880 the charity organization society started in the USA. This was the first attempt in the USA to put rational order in the area of charity and relief. This charity started to combat social problems created by the economic depression of And also for the rapid movement of the rural poor into urban areas due to industrialization for discrimination.
The early part of the 20 th century - birth of community councils in the USA, these functioned, To increase efficiency To encourage specialization To set standards for service To provide the leadership to member agencies for joint planning
Later world war 1 gave rise to war chests in many communities, To promote central fund raising Coordination of services Control of spending