Who is Fauja Singh?
On your heart post it note write down how these images make you feel.
Impossible is Nothing
A Hero for Many.... Listen to his message......
Fauja Singh in the Media
“Be grateful for everything you have, stay away from people who are negative, stay smiling and keep running.” Fauja Singh Aged 100 Daily Mail
“I am not a learned person in any shape or form. To me, the secret is being happy, doing charity work, staying healthy and being positive,' he said.” Fauja Singh Aged 100 Daily Mail...Don’t like roti? Think again!
The Guardian "I do not consider myself to be old. From the moment I do that, I would lose everything, because age is a state of mind - as long as you're positive you can do anything.“ Fauja Singh Aged 98
“Anything worth doing is going to be difficult” "I'm not really interested in all the rupees, I give it to charity," he says of his sponsorship deal. "Money can be saved and spent and lost and made. At my age it's nice just to do this. Come on, who wants to talk to this old man? Everyone now! And it's because of the running that all these people keep showing me so much love. Look how blessed I am. What's not to be happy about?" The Guardian
BBC News "By running as the oldest ever marathon relay team I hope we will inspire young people to keep going and older people never to give up."
The former farmer runs an average of eight miles a day to stay in shape and puts his success down to a diet of ginger curries and regular meditation. Want to be the next Fauja Singh?
Speaking in Punjabi, Singh says running has given him purpose and a sense of peace. "Why worry about these small, small things? I don't stress. You never hear of anyone dying of happiness." And Singh is, by his own admission, pretty happy. Having moved from India to England in 1995, after the deaths of his wife and son, he lives with family in east London, and leads what he says is "a very simple life". Stress Free.....
Sikhs in the City Inspirational Sangat can change your life....
Charity Work
A Trophy for Fauja Singh.... TASK 1: Write a personal message for Fauja Singh. What have you learnt? Has he inspired you? Your thoughts about him? TASK 2: Decorate your trophy with pictures and colour
Questions for Bhai Sahib.