Career Management & Development Human Resource Management Module 9 Career Management & Development
The Basics of Career Management The occupational positions a person has had over many years.
The Basics of Career Management The process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests, and to use these skills and interests more effectively.
The Basics of Career Management Career development The lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person’s career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment.
The Basics of Career Management Career planning The deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics; and establishes action plans to attain specific goals.
Traditional Versus Career Development Focus
Employee Career Development Plan
Roles in Career Development The Individual • Accept responsibility for your own career. • Assess your interests, skills, and values. • Seek out career information and resources. • Establish goals and career plans. • Utilize development opportunities. • Talk with your manager about your career. • Follow through on realistic career plans. Roles in Career Development
Roles in Career Development The Manager • Provide timely performance feedback. • Provide developmental assignments and support. • Participate in career development discussions. • Support employee development plans. Roles in Career Development
Roles in Career Development The Organization • Communicate mission, policies, and procedures. • Provide training and development opportunities. • Provide career information and career programs. • Offer a variety of career options. Roles in Career Development
Choosing a Mentor Choose an appropriate potential mentor. Don’t be surprised if you’re turned down. Be sure that the mentor understands what you expect in terms of time and advice. Have an agenda. Respect the mentor’s time.
The Employer’s Role in Career Development Realistic job previews Challenging first jobs Career-oriented appraisals Job rotation Mentoring Networking and interactions
Innovative Corporate Career Development Initiatives Provide each employee with an individual budget. Offer on-site or online career centers. Encourage role reversal. Establish a “corporate campus.” Help organize “career success teams.” Provide career coaches. Provide career planning workshops Utilize computerized on- and offline career development programs Establish a dedicated facility for career development
Sample Agenda—Two-Day Career Planning Workshop
Managing Your Career
Identify Your Career Stage Growth stage Exploration stage Establishment stage Trial sub stage Stabilization sub stage Midcareer crisis sub stage Maintenance Stage Decline Stage
Identify Your Occupational Orientation Realistic orientation Physical activities (forestry, farming) Investigative orientation Thinking, organizing, understanding (biologist) Social orientation Interpersonal rather than intellectual skills (social work, psychologist) Conventional orientation Structured, rule-regulated activities (banker, accountant) Enterprising orientation Influencing others (lawyers, PR executives) Artistic orientation Self-expression (artists, musicians)
Example of Some Occupations that May Typify Each Occupational Theme
Do you agree with this statement? ‘The primary career goal of most people is to make it to the top of the ladder in their chosen profession.’
Identify our Career Anchors Edgar Schein, the organisational psychologist and MIT professor, first defined career anchors in the 1960s. In order to understand our anchors, he suggests that when looking at our careers, it is useful to recognise that we have both an internal and an external career. The internal career: This is our subjective idea about life and work and our role within it. It is our drives, ambitions, hopes and aspirations. The external career: This is more objective and represents the realistic possibilities available to us. The ‘career anchor’ is like an internal compass that guides and defines our ‘internal career’. It is our motivator or driver and is the one thing one will not give up, even in the face of difficult choices.
Identify our Career Anchors Schein identifies eight career anchor themes and posits that we will all have prioritised preferences for them: Technical/functional competence General management competence Autonomy/independence Security/stability Entrepreneurial creativity Service/dedication to a cause Pure challenge Lifestyle.
What does Career Anchor mean? Schein suggests that in order to identify and understand our anchors, it is useful to consider our reactions in relation to three domains. Skills and competencies – The things we are good at. Motives – The things we want. Values – The things that are important to us.
Class Exercise Determine the following: Identify your occupational orientation Identify your career anchor or anchors 1-2 career goals 2-3 development steps to get from where you are now to where you want to be
Paired Coaching Questions To what extent does your current role reflect this value? (for example, if you value autonomy, how much control do you have over your workload, type of task, how you perform a particular task etc) To what extent is your current role aligned with this value? Are there any activities that you can undertake to increase alignment between this and your role that will have a positive impact on you/on the organisation? What career development activities can you undertake to gain a deeper understanding of your values?
Sample Career Plan My occupational orientation is enterprising Using my skills to influence others My career anchors are Managerial competence Security Career goals To be a VP of HR Development Steps More global responsibility More analytical business experience
Definition of Succession Planning : “Succession planning is a means of identifying critical management positions starting at manager and supervisor levels and extending up to the highest position in the organization.” William J. Rothwell
Need for Succession Planning : Need for future growth and skill development Proactive approach to fill key potential vacancies Aligns mission with workplace planning strategy
Manager’s Role in Succession Planning : Identify key replacement needs Identify high-potential people critical positions to include in the succession plan Clarify present and future work activities and work results Compare present individual performance and future individual potential Establish individual-development plans (IDPs) to prepare replacements and to develop high-potential workers
Steps in Succession Planning Process : Gain Buy-in from Senior Management Identify succession planning purpose and goals. Assess the organizations current and future business strategy and top leadership replacement needs. Identify and analyze key positions. Assess candidates against job and competency requirements. Identify development strategies. Define succession planning process and procedures. Communicate and implement succession planning. Collect information from employees regarding their career interests and expertise. Assess employee competencies. Create individual development plans. Select people to potential fill positions. Develop, select, and schedule training and development programs. Monitor progress. Measure and evaluate outcomes.
Checklist to Succeed : Identify a systematic approach for identifying, nominating and selecting potential successors Review background information on potential successors, such as education, experience, skills, appraisals and potential Develop skills of potential successors through work experiences, job rotation, projects and other challenging assignments Determine training and development requirements of potential successors Succession planning must include a system for providing feedback and encouragement to potential successors Establish a system for monitoring candidate's development plan progress by senior management
Scope and Complexity Increases The Leadership Pipeline model Provides a framework upon which organizations can plan succession effectively 7. Getting results through comprehensive Enterprise Leadership & Statesmanship. 6. Getting results through Business Managers. 5. Getting results through comprehensive business management. 4. Getting results through a function. 3. Getting results through managers. 2. Getting results through others. 1. Getting results through personal effort. Scope and Complexity Increases 4/23/2017
The key to evaluating the leadership pipeline 1.Work Values: What people believe is important and becomes the focus of their effort(Attitude) 2.Skill Requirements: Capabilities required to execute new responsibilities (Ability) 3. Time Applications: New time frames that govern how one works(Focus) 4/23/2017