Green IT in Yorkshire & Humber Helen Harrop
Digital 20/20 The connected region The role of Digital 20/20 What is Green IT? Our definition Our research Key findings Our recommendations
The Role of Digital 20/20 Regional partnership led by Yorkshire Forward Aims to ensure that the Y&H region develops a thriving digital economy Exploiting the potential of technology as individuals, organisations and businesses Experts in facilitating change
What is Green IT? Computing as a means of providing solutions to environmental issues Reducing the carbon footprint of computing itself Dealing responsibly with waste from computing
Our Green IT Research Yorkshire Forward research Desk research Interviews Green IT ‘radar’
Key Findings of Our Research There’s a lot going on in the region and some interesting clusters of innovation But, there’s a lack of regional focus Main driver is to reduce costs, not to be green Greenwashing and a lack of transparency Subsumed within other agendas Time lag regarding Green IT skills
Our Recommendations Green IT regional showcase event Regional Green IT blog Green IT Special Interest Group – a community of interest/practice/expertise Encourage a joined up region, connect to national activities e.g. BCS, e-Skills Consider adding Green IT into regional initiatives e.g. ICT Active, Yorkshire Digital Awards, ICT Benchmarking Survey
Green IT in Yorkshire & Humber Helen Harrop