4 schools will take part Half hour performance of a condensed Shakespeare play Perform at a professional theatre – Gulbenkian Centre 30 students 5 technical helpers – lighting, costumes, makeup etc Auditions after half term when year 12 return Start work in July Learn lines over summer Carry on in September Half a day workshop in September Performance 20 th November 2015
A morning outing to the Gulbenkian Centre at Hull University for a workshop with professionals
“This is the night that either makes me or fordoes me quite” Othello: Act V, Scene I
“Now sits expectation in the air” Henry V: Act II, Prologue
“I learnt to just give your best and become your best” Student, Archbishop Sentanu Academy, Hull
If you are interested: Give your name to Mrs Cooper Make sure there is a contact number If you do not want to perform, write what you would like to do such as lighting, costumes. You don’t have to do drama, have done drama or wish to do drama in the future – just commit yourself until November and enjoy the experience of a lifetime.