AgroWeb Dr. Athena Bazou Ellinogermaniki Agogi School EMINENT Conference Lisbon 6-7 December 2001
AgroWeb: An innovative approach to the usage of the Internet in an interdisciplinary framework SOCRATES MINERVA (Open and Distance Learning – Information and Communication Technology in the field of Education)
In the framework of the project a network of European Secondary Schools, University Departments of Pedagogical Psychology together with specialists in the field of development of educational Multi-Media develop a web-enabled application platform, the e- shop, through which students promote agricultural products of their areas. The reality of modern economy practices is thus transferred into the classroom. DESCRIPTION
PARTNERSHIP Coordinator : Ellinogermaniki Agogi, GR Lambrakis Research Foundation, GR Universidade de Evora, PT Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universtaet, DE Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, FR Freiherr Vom Stein Schule, DE Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium Schwechat, AT Vejle Handelsskole/Business College, DK College of Agricultural Studies/ The American Farm School, GR Berufliche Schulen des Odenwaldkreises, DE Consultants: Université Orsay-Paris XI (Computer Science) University of Economy and Business of Athens (Information Systems)
PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS Ellinogermaniki Agogi, GR Freiherr Vom Stein Schule, DE Escola Profissional de Desenvolvimento Rural de Serpa, PT Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium Schwechat, AT Vejle Handelsskole, DK The American Farm School, GR Berufliche Schulen des Odenwaldkreises, DE 8 New schools for the Final Run Expansion of the school network
AIMS/OBJECTIVES Promotion of ODL in secondary education - Provision of arguments in favour of the spread of ODL in education Familiarization of the teachers and the students with the new technologies and ODL Provision of a model for the use of ICT in schools Presentation of Europe’s agricultural diversity through the use of ICT Introduction of new interdisciplinary subjects in current educational practice Promotion of collaborative learning Promotion of informal learning Development of an interdisciplinary model in current educational practice Provision of a model for motivating and integrated activities in the classroom
PRINCIPLES Learning should be a collaborative experience Participation enhances learning Need for cross-curriculum approach Learning is a lifelong process / informal learning
ACTIVITIES Construction of the Web site of the project/ e-shop Teachers’ training online seminar Test Run Evaluation of the Test Run Final Run (Expansion of the school network) Evaluation of the Final Run Dissemination activities Closing Workshop in Athens
Students at the AgroWeb project Select products for promotion and collect information about them Contact the producer and negotiate with him Design the trademarks and the web pages for the products’ presentation Develop a business and media coverage plan for each product Sell the products Monitor the products’ performance with the help of graphical representations and modify the business plan accordingly Discuss with virtual classmates via the project’s Bulletin Board and Videoconferencing Communicate the results through the e-Agro magazine
Pupils’ corner
COLLABORATION The e-tool based virtual classroom structure of AgroWeb project Both students and teachers participating in the project constantly communicate with their virtual classmates and fellow teachers in other countries respectively, not only through the e-tool, but also through and videoconferences.
AgroWeb Students Teachers Group Students Teachers Group Students Teachers Group Students Teachers Group Students Teachers Group e-tool
The AgroWeb project, making full use of the capabilities the web offers in order to stimulate students' interaction, proposes a web-based e-shop platform, in the design of which proper weight is given on its educational concept. It is a tool for students, a distributed learning environment, facilitating the learning process. The e-shop platform includes facilities to produce graphical representations of the sales of a product (product's performance), to compare actual and anticipated performances and in general what is necessary to monitor the financial activities of a real shop. The e- shop is the electronic AGORA, the "electronic open market“. E-SHOP
Monitoring Strategy On field observation Two group design (experimental and control group) with repeated measurements (pre- and post- test) EVALUATION