Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Group Manager Program Review Management Team
2 Federal Aviation Administration 2 Group Mission Mission Statement/Synopsis
3 Federal Aviation Administration 3 Organization Group Summary # FAA Employees # Contractor Employees Available & Anticipated Contract $ Team Team Manager # FAA Employees # Contractor Employees
4 Federal Aviation Administration 4 Goal Alignment & Status FAA Goal*Milestone (date)Status * Flight Plan Alignment Business Plan/SPIRE ATO/SMP Objective Alignment
5 Federal Aviation Administration 5 Technical Stature Measures: –Patents (Patent disclosures, Copyrights) –Professional Societies (Memberships, Office holder, Speaker, Organizer) –Professional Licenses (including Airmen Certificates) –Publications Referred journals Books Chapters in a review (book) Non-referred journals Trade publications Internal TC reports Internal TC notes –Conference presentations/papers –Academic Appointments (Faculty appointments, Advisory boards, Honorary degrees) –Degree(s) held (include discipline)* –Certifications/Training –Years of Professional Experience –Community Involvement –Military Status *(Undergraduate: BA, BS, BSEE, etc. Graduate: ME, MA, MS, MBA, PhD, etc.) FYI only: for use after baseline is established
6 Federal Aviation Administration 6 Courses Total # of testers requiring training* Number to be trained in course in FY08 Number of Classes Relative Progress toward 100% Goal Number of testers trained V&V Process Training Fundamentals of T&E AMS Developing User Requirements: The Key to Project Success Configuration Management Technical Writing Total 34.9** T&E Training Status (for T&E organization to report out status against goal) *Total number of testers is 100 ** Current baseline is 47.3%, FY08 goal is 65%, if FY08 numbers are achieved, we will score 82.2% towards goal
7 Federal Aviation Administration 7 NextGen Support Significant NextGen Support Activities* * Should only include direct NextGen support activities that the Group Manager deems significant because of: visibility, current or potential impact on TC resources or Group direction, and customer interest, etc. Routine NextGen support will be briefed at the Team level.
8 Federal Aviation Administration 8 Group Manager Project Summary Project Name Team Purpose Accomplishments Plans Issues
9 Federal Aviation Administration 9 Team Presentation Order Team 1 Team 2 etc
Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Team Manager Program Review Management Team
11 Federal Aviation Administration 11 Team Overview Mission: Sponsors: (Office(s) funding project) Customers: (User/s of system products/services and/or T&E results) Stakeholders: (Those affected by or accountable for the project outcome – can include customers) Partnerships: (Organizations or parties collaborating on products/services; example NASA. Air Force, Universities, etc.)
12 Federal Aviation Administration 12 Project FY08 FED # FTEs FY08 Contr # FTEs FY09 FED # FTEs FY09 Contr # FTEs FY10 FED # FTEs FY10 Contr # FTEs ###### Resource Status
13 Federal Aviation Administration 13 Resource Status (for Labs/Ops) Project FY08 FED # FTEs FY08 Contr # FTEs FY09 FED # FTEs FY09 Contr # FTEs FY10 FED # FTEs FY10 Contr # FTEs ############ Total # # # # # # ############ # # # # # # ############ # # # # # #
14 Federal Aviation Administration 14 Budget/Funding Status *Corporate Work Plan (replaces PD) ProjectContract $ Received (Previous FY) Carry- over Planned (Cur FY) Received (Cur FY) Oblig to Date CWP* Status (Signed, Awaiting Sig, N/A) Planned $ FY08 FY09
15 Federal Aviation Administration 15 (Project 1-n) Overview/Status/Risks Overview –Purpose –Description –Sponsor/Stakeholders –Alignment to Goals
16 Federal Aviation Administration 16 Focus Areas (for Ops)
17 Federal Aviation Administration 17 Project Status Status 08/09 Dates 1. *Planned Critical Milestones (Level 1) –**Milestone Support Activities (Level 2) –***Tasks (Level 3 ) 2.Planned Critical Milestones –Milestone Support Activities – Tasks * Customer milestones and commitments to JRC/EC in the program baseline; i.e., Contract Award, GA, IOC, ORD, ISD **Commitments to the customer in a Corporate Work Plan or MOU and Standard T&E milestones in AMS; i.e., Start Test (system delivery to test), TRR, Completion of DT, Completion of OT, ***Milestones associated with tasks that support Level 2 milestones; i.e., Test Plan complete, Test procedure development complete, dry runs complete, test conduct complete, quick-look report complete, test report complete, Labs example: **Maintain ISO 9001:2000 Certification through certification audit, ***Complete internal audit
18 Federal Aviation Administration 18 Status/Measures (Graphics to be provided by Ops)
19 Federal Aviation Administration 19 Agreement Status (for Ops)
20 Federal Aviation Administration 20 Project Risks Risk Analysis List Risk/s* Rating Mitigation Likelihood Consequence E D C B A Medium Low High Likelihood** *IF (describe the situation that may occur) THEN (describe the negative impact if it does) **Likelihood – reflects the probability that a program objective will not be obtained by following existing plans Consequence – the program penalty or benefit loss incurred if the objective is not obtained
21 Federal Aviation Administration 21 Summary of Actionable Items Risk Level Definitions “High” (red) Is likely (a high probability) to cause significant disruption of schedule, increase in cost, or degradation of performance. Concerted and continual emphasis and coordination may not be sufficient to overcome major difficulties. “Medium” (yellow) May cause some disruption of schedule, increase in cost, or degradation of performance. Special emphasis and close coordination is probably sufficient to overcome difficulties. Program/ProjectIssuesDescriptionSuggested Solution R/Y
22 Federal Aviation Administration 22 Outstanding Issues or Concerns (for Ops)
23 Federal Aviation Administration 23 Team Accomplishments Accomplishments * * Accomplishments that the Team Manager believes are most significant and warrant highlighting
24 Federal Aviation Administration 24 Group Manager Wrap-up Performance Risks Issues etc
25 Federal Aviation Administration 25 Group Wrap-up Group Initiatives