DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Earth’s Features Earth’s Changing Surface> Glaciers
Glaciers – The Big Ideas A glacier is a large mass of moving ice that exists all year. During the last ice age, a glacier covered much of North America. Glaciers are one cause of large-scale erosion and deposition. Glaciers normally expand or contract over thousands years. In recent decades, many glaciers have shrunk significantly.
Glaciers – Prior Knowledge Students probably have some prior knowledge about glaciers since global warming has been in the forefront of many recent news stories and movies. They know that glaciers are associated with cold climates. It will help students if they have: been in a cold climate where it snows or is icy. seen photos or videos of glaciers. have a background knowledge about global warming.
Glaciers – Common Misconceptions Glaciers only float in the water. –Reality: Glaciers actually sit on land and they grow faster than they melt. All glaciers are melting. –Reality: Glaciers are constantly changing, usually over long periods of time. Some are melting while some grow. Glaciers pick up rocks and soil, as well as drop off rocks and soil. Glaciers don’t move. –Reality: Glaciers do move usually at a very slow pace. Glaciers are found only near the North Pole. –Reality: Glaciers are found in many areas, including near the North and South poles, and on the tops of mountains.
Glaciers – Using DE Science Content When you close this presentation, you can review the following recommended resources for Glaciers. Exploration: GlaciersGlaciers Reading Passage: The Last Ice AgeThe Last Ice Age eBook: The Life Cycle of GlaciersThe Life Cycle of Glaciers Video: GlaciersGlaciers Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources or you can get to them through the browser or search feature.
Glaciers – Instructional Ideas Use the Exploration, Glaciers with students so they can see and discover what glaciers look like and how they can change. Students can see animation of glaciers expanding and contracting.Glaciers Before students view the video, Glaciers and read the passage, The Last Ice Age, give students a true/false test as a pre-reading activity. After reading and viewing, have students revisit their original answers to see if they were correct. This will give them a purpose for reading and viewing.GlaciersThe Last Ice Age
State standards: If you wish to review your state standards regarding Glaciers, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. You can click on any standard to see what resources are available to teach it. Additional Information: For additional content, check the Extend section within the concept.