Americans saw what happened last time they got into war. Did not want to go to war again, especially since Great Depression is going on. Stay Isolated was the motto.
“Cash and Carry” – allow nations to buy American arms as long as they paid cash and carried the goods home in own ships. Why would the United States do this? It allowed the United States to help the British and French while staying out of the war Once the Axis Powers formed an alliance, the US definitely did not want to get involved… why??? It would have to fight a 2-ocean war. Germany and Italy in the Atlantic and Japan in the Pacific
Fireside chat: Knew there was no hope of negotiating a peace with Hitler “No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it” He knew that if Britain fell, the axis powers would be left unchallenged to conquer the world “All of us in all the Americas would be living at the point of a gun.”
Britain out of cash so FDR came up with Lend-Lease Plan Under this plan, FDR could lend or lease arms and supplies to “any country whose defense was vital to the United States”
Hitler ignores peace with USSR on June 22, invades Predicts will only take 6 weeks Soviets had great resistance When overrun they used a “scorched earth policy” Destroy everything that might be of use to the invaders
6 weeks turned into 6 months and Russian winter becomes key… why? Why would some Americans not want to do the lend-lease program with the USSR? “If Hitler invaded Hell, the British would be prepared to work with the devil himself” -Winston Churchill
But why did Japan really attack Pearl Harbor?