Global Warming
Last year our goals were; Raise awareness about global warming Wanting to help global warming and take action – Planting trees in public schools. – Green roofs – Recycling – Biodiesel buses/cars – Creating posters to make adults aware of even they’re not there they can still make a difference – Food drives – Planting trees in big areas instead of building houses Planning book bout Climate Change
Target Group / Areas Global awareness of global warming. Public schools in İstanbul Public schools in Seattle Memoriam forest H.E.V/Enka/Billings/METU/The Open UNESCO School in Russia/Enka Adapazarı/Çevre Grade 3 to 6 students
Memariom Forests
Expected outcomes To raise awareness Limit CO2 in the air Simple things that people can do for global warming Recycling Turn of electronics when you’re done Less packaging Don’t leave water running Compost heap Car pooling Low flash toilets Hydro electricity Inform students
Achievements Trees are growing Children are aware of global warming People started to recycle