Evolution: What’s Next?
Explore Overview The goal of this part of the project is to explore and learn in order to be prepared to meet the project challenge! We will begin by reviewing the game plan of the entire project. Then you will gather background information, analyze it, and summarize it, so you can use it as you work on the challenge. At the end of this part of the project we will review what you learned when your group creates a picture book to share.
Challenge Our world continues to change, and as it does life will also continue to change. Your team’s challenge is to design a new species of plant or animal, based on evolutionary theory, that might arise from an existing plant or animal as a result of global warming.
Project Timeline Project Planning, Research Collection, Research Analysis, Explore Gate Brainstorming, Modeling, Optimization, Create Gate Industry Role assignments Project Challenge Student Solution Nature has already evolved countless fascinating creatures. What will you create? Wikispaces Darwin Evolution? Global Warming? Let’s discover! Communicate your work!
Watch this National Geographic Video: Life After Dinosaurs Think about: What changes in life on Earth have happened over time? Why has life on Earth changed over time? How did those changed occur? Continue on to explore answers.
Creativity Notebook The goal of using a Notebook is to document and reflect on your research, save interesting ideas, record your design concepts, etc. As you research and learn about evolution and global warming, write about them in your own words in your notebook. Also note any ideas you might use later in the Create phase of the project. A page from Darwin’s journal.
Research Collection Research the Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection and global warming using the Internet resources on the next two slides. Participate in the Clipbirds class activity. Remember to record your findings in your notebooks.
Research Collection Research the Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection using the following Internet resources: 1. ries/middle/intro.htmlhttp:// ries/middle/intro.html QVi0MaVwtRyfzWIPDbTmC94l5uhK&index=2 (at least 1 st 40 minutes) QVi0MaVwtRyfzWIPDbTmC94l5uhK&index=2
Research Collection Research global warming using the following Internet video resources: 1. iew/video/51cbf1cc7896bb431f6a6d0f /?topic=66045http:// iew/video/51cbf1cc7896bb431f6a6d0f /?topic= imate-science/ imate-science/
Research Analysis Both evolution and global warming are kinds of change. Working within your group, share what you found out about these two subjects. Together answer the following: How is evolution similar to global warming? How are they different? What evidence do we have that evolution has occurred? What evidence is there for global warming? How does evolution occur? Why is the Earth warming? Create and fill in a table in Word, similar to the one below, to summarize your answers. Print and add it to your notebooks. Evolution Global Warming Similarities Differences Evidence Mechanisms/Causes
Explore Gate o To demonstrate what you have learned in the Explore phase, using PowerPoint write and illustrate a narrated picture book that summarizes what you know about biological evolution and global warming. o Be sure to include the information from your table and to follow the storybook guide and rubric.