CPCRN Network Accomplishments Applying new communication technologies to evidence-based cancer control October 7, 2008 Los Angeles, CA
Emerging technologies panel Jennifer Allen, Harvard María Fernández, UT-Houston Matthew Kreuter, SLU/Washington University LeRoy Reese, Morehouse CDC Cancer Conference Atlanta, GA August, 2007
Computer tailored decision aid for prostate cancer screening in worksites (SIP-21-04, Harvard) - Multi-ethnic population - Blue collar workers, manufacturing worksites - Identified beliefs about CaP and screening - Improved overall decision making - Decreased decisional conflict Allen, et al, 2007, Soc Sci & Med
Tailored interactive multimedia intervention (SIP-18-04; UT-Houston) - Tablet PC for CRC screening - Via home visits by promotoras - Hispanic men & women - Awareness low - Screening low - Efficacy trial ongoing Fernandez, et al, 2007, Ca Causes & Control
Tailored breast cancer information kiosks (SLU/Washington University) - 12,000+ users - Six community settings - African American women - Best location: Laundromats - Greatest reach & specificity Kreuter, et al, 2008, JPHMP Kreuter, et al, 2006, Hlth Educ & Beh
- Gives information tools to community partners - Focus: HPV vaccination - Populations: young women, parents of girls - Lower Rio Grande Valley, TX (Hispanics) - St. Louis, MO (African Americans) Increasing use of CIS among African Americans & Hispanics (Washington University – UT-Houston)
Colleges, public & vocational schools (n=6) Community health centers, FQHCs (n=3) Community-based organizations (n=3) Departments of health (n=2) Faith-based organizations (n=1) Local health foundations (n=1) 50,091 materials ordered since Jan. 08 By 16 different organizations in St. Louis
Calls to CANCER St. Louis vs. Kansas City Call volume St. Louis Kansas City
Power Point fotonovela With embedded video With still pictures and audio With text only Fotonovela booklet Question cards Video Lower Rio Grande Valley, TX Six HPV information resources available
Calls to CANCER Lower Rio Grande Valley vs. Laredo Call volume LRGV Laredo