Thursday, Jan. 31 Objective: Today we will analyze Allied war aims, strategies, and major turning points of the war and evaluate the decision to drop the atomic bomb by researching the each “theatre” of war and observing their goals in each theatre Agenda: Warm Up Allied Goals Axis Goals Book Notes What did you learn in school
Warm Up Pink Desk: Clean Up Yellow Desk: Gather Materials Green Desk: Recorder Orange Desk: Gather handouts 1.What three countries made up the Axis Powers? 2.What four countries made up the Allied Powers? 3.What “theatres” did the U.S. fight in during WWII? 4.What was the Lend Lease Act?
How Do You Win?... What “strategies” can you use to win any sports game…lets use Basketball: – Pressure Defense – Set picks – Use decoy cutters – Run plays – Make your big men play low post – Have your small/fast guards shoot 3 pts.
In your Groups… Your group will be assigned a “theatre”. Each group is to read the scenario and respond to the questions. Select a spokesperson for each “theater” who will present the results of the session focusing on two main points: 1.Why should your “theater of war” be a top priority for the United States? 2.How does supporting your theatre help the common good of the United States?
Pacific Theatre
East Asian Theatre
North African Theater
Western European Theater
Soviet Theatre
Elsewhere in the World
The U.S Home front
What Actually Happened The purpose of reading this selection is to determine actual strategies used by the US. After reading, direct students to summarize the actual strategies on the “War Aims and Strategies Planning Sheet.”
What did you learn in school today? 1.How did the U.S. Government’s view of “Common Good” change after Pearl Harbor?