World War II Conferences A series of conferences were held to determine the goals/issues of the war, and also to deal with the anticipated Post-War circumstances. Topic 21-2
The Atlantic Conference August Participants – FDR and Winston Churchill Decisions: Atlantic Charter Signed – became the basis for the U.N. No Territorial Expansion No territorial changes w/o consent of inhabitants Self Determination, Mutual Cooperation Disarming of aggressors
Casablanca Conference January 12-23, 1943 Participants - FDR and Winston Churchill (Stalin declines to attend) Decisions: Accept nothing less than unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers (Note - This will ultimately lead to extending the war).
Moscow Conference - October 1943 Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek, Josef Stalin Decisions: Affirm the basis of the United Nations (Atlantic Charter) Unconditional Surrender reaffirmed all matters relating to the surrender and disarmament of that enemy will be acted upon jointly
Moscow Conference - October 1943 continued…. Germany – Those responsible for war crimes will be sent to the countries in which the crime occurred to be judged according to the laws of that nation. Italy - All institutions and organizations created by the Fascist regime shall be suppressed. All Fascist or pro-Fascist elements shall be removed from the administration and from institutions and organizations of a public character
Cairo Conference November 22-26, 1943 Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek Decisions Korea to be independent at war’s end. Taiwan to be returned to China from Japan
Teheran Conference November 28-December 1, 1943 Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin Decisions: Open a Second Battlefront in Europe. Soviets to enter the war against Japan after the defeat of Germany. Discussed demilitarization and occupation of Germany
Yalta Conference February 4-11, 1945 Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin Decisions: Germany to be disarmed and divided into 4 occupation zones. Veto power to be given to the Big 5 nations at the UN. Soviet Union to get 3 seats in the General Assembly in exchange for entering the war against Japan 2-3 months after Germany surrenders. USSR pledges to hold free elections in Eastern Europe. War Crimes trials to be held after the war
Potsdam Conference July 17 – August 2, 1945 Participants - Harry Truman, Josef Stalin, Clement Atlee/ Winston Churchill Decisions: Unconditional surrender by Japan or face “prompt and utter destruction.” Set up a council to administer Germany Set up machinery to negotiate peace treaties Transfer of German people out of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland into Germany Stalin announces that there will be no elections in Eastern Europe
Yalta 1945
Potsdam 1945
The Result? The Allies win the war Hard feelings and scheming play a big part “Unconditional Surrender” edict extends the war Ignoring Japan’s surrender attempt: allows the US to demonstrate the Atomic Bomb US and USSR to set up their post war positions as “Super Powers.” FDR’s death empowers Stalin at Potsdam.