PBIS at MacArthur Middle School January 7, 2009 Team Leader: Jolyn Davis, Assistant Principal Coach: Richard VonHagen, School Psychologist
Background Information We are in our 6 th year of implementation of PBIS. 4 team members as well as the team leader have been active on our team for all 6 years. Our Eagle Code and Eagle Tickets have been institutionalized. Many of our school-wide events, including our holiday gift shop, game day, auction, and carnival, have been institutionalized as well.
Demographics We are extremely transient and therefore lose and gain approximately 2-3 students a day. Approximately 40% of our students come from military families Students 65% African American, 25% White, 7% Hispanic, 3% Other We have 12 teachers that are new to our building this year, but only 2 are first year teachers!
Through 12/31/08… th Grade th Grade th Grade Total This represents at 37% reduction in office referrals for the school year!
So…. What is Different? Red and Yellow Zone continuum of interventions. Effective RST and Orange Team (Behavior Support Team) meetings on a weekly basis. Advisory Program Uniform Policy management Staff who buy into PBIS and build positive relationships with students AND work collaboratively together
Orange Team Our Orange Team meets every other week for approximately ½ hour. Focus on student referrals (3 or more per Qtr) Members consist of school psychologist, SPED DC, administrators, counselors, AYP resource teacher, reading intervention teacher, DMR Resource. This team evaluates current interventions that are in place and selects additional interventions as appropriate.
Red and Yellow Zone Interventions Available Check and Connect Mentoring Counseling through Guidance – check in / check out as needed Daily Behavior Tracking – point sheet Daily Behavior Tracking – FBA / BIP Process Counseling Groups – guidance, school psychologist, social worker DMR MSAP Support from outside partners – Villa Maria / Walter Reed counseling services, referrals to YES program Academic Interventions – 504, sped, Algebraic Thinking, after school math intervention program, after school tutoring through First to College, Reading interventions (CR, spell read, SOAR), AVID, specialized advisory groups
Advisory Program A committee, separate from PBIS, has worked to create a comprehensive program for MacArthur Middle School. Every day for 26 minutes; 2 days – DEAR, 2 days – lessons, 1 day – Peer to Peer Peer to peer day allows for students to meet with teachers to get extra help / support as needed. Special groups – Bubble kids for math and reading at each grade level, AVID groups, Algebra support group Social skills lessons based on needs established at RST / Orange Team / PBIS meetings. Lessons based on Ruby Payne’s work, learning styles and strategies, test-taking skills, etc.
Uniform Policy All issues addressed through advisory to minimize impact on instruction and limit negative teacher interactions with students. Uniform closet available. Uniforms provided to needy communities and families at the beginning of the year. June 2008 – uniform donation day Teacher incentives for uniform compliance. Uniform violations are non-referrable.