Facts about you… On the Index card, fill in the following information! Name Grade Full Class schedule Parents/Guardians Name Home phone Number Parents work or cell number
Important things to know… U.S. History is an EOC class!! This means a state exam will be given at the end of this course! U.S. History is required in order to graduate from high school.
EXIT STANDARDS You MUST PASS THE EOC TO PASS THIS CLASS!!!!!!! Other EOC’s you must pass: Algebra I, Biology, Civics and English I.
Things to know… You will be required to keep a notebook! It will have four sections: Starters, Notes, Class work, and Returned work. All work I return to you will be kept in this section! Daily Materials Each day you will need to bring your text book, notebook, pencil/pens, and paper.
Assignments You will be tested each week by goal. In preparation for that test, you will complete a study guide and vocabulary each week. Along with those assignments, you will have class work to complete as well.
Homework Passes Homework Passes can be earned throughout the semester. Passes can be given for the following reasons: Scoring 90 or above on a test Scoring 95 or above on a notebook
Research Paper Each class is required to do a research paper this semester. At another time, we will discuss the requirements. If you do another paper in another class, it can count in mine regardless of the topic.
Tutoring After school tutoring will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tutoring can be used to make test corrections, get missing assignments, or to get extra help!
Rules/Procedures Non-educational devices are not allowed in class. This includes cell phones, ipod’s, mp3 players, and video games.
Rules/Procedures Bath-room breaks will be limited to one per week. After that, no other passes will be given. If you have a medical problem, please bring a doctors note. No other passes will be given out of class. Take care of everything before you come!
Rules/Procedures Please be on time!! If you are not completely through the door when the bell rings, you are TARDY!! You will have to receive a tardy note from the office to come into class. No exceptions!!!
Rules/Procedures The dress code will be enforced. No hats can be worn inside the building. Please RESPECT other people’s opinions and property!
Rules/Procedures Substitute Teacher Policy Complete all assignments given by the sub Act courteous and respectful to that individual All work will be graded and taken as a quiz grade!
Rules/Procedures Seniors will be permitted to leave for lunch FIVE minutes early! Seniors will not leave until I verify that only five minutes is left in class. Please have you school I.D. in case you are stopped by administration.
Rules/Procedures If rules are broken, the following consequences will be assigned. Student-teacher conference Parent contact New seating assignment Reference to SRHS administration
Rules/Procedures After five absences, students must appeal their days. After an absence, contact me immediately to obtain your missing assignments!
Field Trips Field trips are a fun and exciting way to incorporate what you are learning each day. Whether we go on a trip depends on: Class and student behavior Grades and test scores
Social Studies Club SRHS will be renewing the Social Studies Club this year! Activities include: field trips and community activities The club looks great on college applications and resumes! An honor cord will be given to graduating seniors!
Things to expect… First quiz is on Friday August 28, First notebook check Wednesday September 3, 9-weeks test Tuesday, November 3, EOC’s January
Activity Block Monday: Reading Tuesday: Tutoring/Study Hall Wednesday: Writing Thursday: Tutoring/Study Hall Friday: Tutoring/Study Hall