Hatchett Elementary A Title I School
Why Are We a Title I Campus? Under No Child Left Behind (NCLB), all campuses with an economic disadvantaged average of 75% or above must be served with Title I funds. Hatchett is approximately 73% economically disadvantaged.
What Does Title I Mean? The purpose of Title I is to enable high poverty schools to provide opportunities for children to learn the knowledge and skills required by the state and to help children meet the challenging state standards (STAAR).
How Does this Happen? Hatchett receives approximately $65,000 from the federal government that must be spent according to strict guidelines.
How Do We Spend our Funds? Teacher Salaries Assistant Salaries Teaching Supplies After School Tutoring In School Tutoring IRI (reading level) testing Substitutes Staff Development Parent Involvement Technology Library Books Math manipulatives Reading supplies Extended Plannings
How Do We Know What to Do with the Money? Each year we must develop a Schoolwide Plan that includes 10 components….
10 Schoolwide Components 1.Needs Assessment 2.Schoolwide Reform Strategies to help students meet achievement standards 3.Instruction by highly qualified staff 4.On-Going Professional Development
Schoolwide Components Continued 5.Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers 6.Strategies to increase parental involvement 7.Strategies to assist preschool children in the transition to elementary school
Schoolwide Components Continued 8.Include teachers in decisions regarding assessments 9.Activities to assist students having difficulty with state assessments (STAAR) 10.Integration of Federal, State, and Local Services & Programs
Parent Information School-Parent-Student Compact to be signed at parent conferences Parent Involvement Policy Parent “Right to Know” of the qualifications of teachers All of the above information was sent this year in our beginning of the year packets
Parent Involvement Opportunities Parent/Teacher conferences twice a year Parent Involvement Committee School Advisory Team P.T.A.