ORGANIZES TWO DAYS LABORATORY TRAINING PROGRAMME On TESTING AND QUALITY EVALUATION OF PACKAGING MATERIALS Scheduled on 12 th & 13 th March, 2015 VENUE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PACKAGING E-2 MIDC Area, Andheri (E), Mumbai Tel.: /6751/9469/ , Ext : 201 & 214 Direct – Fax: / Website: Organized By: R&D Division
Over a period of last 47 years, the Indian Institute of Packaging has been able to establish the well equipped state of the art laboratories for testing of various packaging materials and packages at its principal laboratory at Mumbai and also its branch offices at Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi and Hyderabad. These Laboratories are fully equipped with more than 160 numbers of very sophisticated and latest equipments both imported and indigenous for conducting more than 350 types of tests of various Packaging materials, Packages and as well as ancillary materials covering the different areas like Mechanical, Chemical, Photometric, Barrier and Physico chemical properties of packaging materials and packages. RECOGNITION The Laboratories of the Institute at Mumbai is accredited to National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), BIS laboratory recognition scheme, Directorate General of Shipping, Director General of Civil Aviation. DIVISIONS: CONSUMER PACKAGE LABORATORY MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OPTICAL & BARRIER PROPERTIES LABORATORY CHEMICAL LABORATORY TRANSPORT LABORATORY FIBC & IBC TESTING LABORATORY About Indian Institute of Packaging
P R O G R A M M E TESTING & QUALITY EVALUATION OF PACKAGING MATERIALS. Day : 1 (12 th March, 2015) S.NoDate & TimeSession DetailsFaculty AM REGISTRATION – 10.30AM INAUGURAL SESSION Director, IIP – 10.45AM TEA/COFFEE BREAK – 12.15AM Introduction & Testing and Evaluation of Flexible Packaging Materials- I (Plastic Films, Laminates & Pouches) Dr. Sanjay Kr.Chattopadhyay AM – 1 PM Testing and Evaluation of Flexible Packaging Materials- II (Paper & Paper Based Products) Mrs. Sucheta B PMLUNCH BREAK – 3.00 PM Testing and Evaluation of Rigid Packaging Materials (Plastics, Glass, Metals & Composite) Mr. Pon Kumar R – 3.15 PMTEA/COFFEE BREAK – 5.30 PMLaboratory Visit Mr. Saroj Kumar Mr. Irmia K Ms. Foram Ms.Sneha Gupta Mr.Rahul Mr. Arpit P R O G R A M M E-S C H E D U L E TESTING & QUALITY EVALUATION OF PACKAGING MATERIALS
Day : 2 (13 th March, 2015) S.NoDate & TimeSession DetailsFaculty AM Testing and Evaluation of Corrugated Fiber board Boxes Mr. P S Chalke –11.00 AMTEA/COFFEE BREAK AM Evaluation of Transport Worthiness Of Filled Packages Mr. P G Meshram/ Mr. Saroj Kumar AM – PM Testing and Evaluation of Ancillary Materials (Closures, Labels, Straps, Tapes, etc.) Mr. Sreedath T Mr. Irmia – 1.15 PM Introduction to Quality Management Systems of Laboratory:IS/ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Dr. Sanjay Kr.Chattopadhyay – 2.15 PMLUNCH BREAK – 4.30 PMLaboratory Visit Mr. Saroj Kumar Mr. Irmia K Ms. Foram Ms. Sneha Gupta Mr. Rahul Mr. Arpit – 4.45 PMTEA/COFFEE BREAK – 5.15 PM Review & Discussions PMCertificate Distribution & Conclusion P R O G R A M M E-S C H E D U L E TESTING & QUALITY EVALUATION OF PACKAGING MATERIALS
Indian Institute of Packaging For details, please contact Dr. Sanjay Kr.Chattopadhyay Additional Director Head – R & D Division Hurry up And Get Registered at the Earliest Discount of Rs. 500/- will be offered for a company nominating more than one participant. In addition, one complimentary nomination will also be given if five nominations are received from the same company Hurry up And Get Registered at the Earliest Discount of Rs. 500/- will be offered for a company nominating more than one participant. In addition, one complimentary nomination will also be given if five nominations are received from the same company PROGRAMME ON TESTING AND QUALITY EVALUATION OF PACKAGING MATERIALS (12 th & 13 th March,2015) PROGRAMME ON TESTING AND QUALITY EVALUATION OF PACKAGING MATERIALS (12 th & 13 th March,2015) INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PACKAGING E-2 MIDC Area, Andheri (E), Mumbai Tel.: /6751/9469/ Extn: 201 & 214 Direct – Fax: / Website: Fee Faculty: Institute has Experienced Faculty Member Rs. 5500/- per person for Non-Members, Rs. 5000/- per person for IIP Members, Rs. 4750/- per person for Life/Patron Members plus service 12.36% respectively. Fee to be sent by Demand Draft / Local Cheque in favour of “Indian Institute Of Packaging”, payable at Mumbai