What is the ideal learning environment?
We think the school have to think about learning in groups and with technology, also the school have to think about learning outside. What really could help is to make a lot of trips. The teachers have to explain everything to the students and not just making excercises from the book because it doesn´t work!
The school have to organise after school lessons to help pupils with their homework. Teachers have to learn students the best way to study. This is a very important part of a good learning environment.
Some schools introduced an electronic programme where students can check their marks and homework. We think that is good because you can check all the informations in few minutes. We think that technology is good for a learning environment.
We think that the teachers should show films and videos the pupils about the subjects they are studying, so they can understand it better, and don´t get bored too much quickly.
What also makes a learning environment good is, for example : practical lesson in physics and chemestry - Like doing experiments in a room that is build for it. You learn more from working with your hands than looking in a book all day.
Our conclusion is that the ultimate learning environment has technology, tutoring and practical lessons. The school have to help the students more if they need it. The school also have to make sure that they don´t do the same thing every day.