1 Setting the Scene: Overview of the Mexico HLM Setting the Scene: Overview of the Mexico HLM Young-kyu PARK Director, Development Policy Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Korea
th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness 2012 Busan Partnership (GPEDC) launched st High-Level Meeting for Busan Partnership 2015 Post-MDGs Development Agenda 2 OverviewOverview Progress since High Level Meeting in Busan
3 Overview of the Mexico HLM 1 st High-Level Meeting of the Busan Global Partnership -“Building toward an Inclusive Post-2015 Development Agenda” Date : April 15-16, 2014 Venue : BANAMEX Center, Mexico City Participants : (approx.) 1,500 people from developing countries, providers, SSC providers, international organizations (UNDP, OECD, etc), CSOs, etc.
4 Overview of the Mexico HLM Session 1 : Progress since Busan - Review progress and take new steps to boost impact of the commitments made at the HLM-4. Session 2 : Tax and domestic resource mobilisation - Take action to step up and support development co-operation so that it can boost tax collection and cut illicit financial flows in developing countries. Session 3 : The role of middle-income countries - look at ways to intensify support to poverty reduction and inclusive growth in middle-income countries. Session 4 : South-South and triangular cooperation and knowledge sharing - Find ways to support development co-operation with and between developing countries, including through knowledge and know-how exchange. Session 5 : Private sector in development - Among other initiatives, participants will set a road map for more, better development co- operation between business and governments. Agenda of the 1 st HLM in Mexico
5 Overview of the Mexico HLM Communiqué - Outcome document of the Mexico HLM. - Plenary Seven : “Consultation on the draft First High-Level Communiqué ”(to be presented by Mr. Escanero) - Session intended to provide an opportunity for countries from Asia and the Pacific to share their views on the draft communiqué. Focus sessions - Expected to facilitate an interactive and inclusive discussion of different perspectives on effective development cooperation -Workshops, round tables, panel discussions, TED-style talks, etc. Knowledge and Innovation Marketplace Knowledge and Innovation Marketplace - Stands measuring 3×3m 2 - To display posters, distribute materials regarding GP Principles -Deadline extended to 12 March
6 Pursuit of the Effective Development Cooperation - promotes inclusive partnership among multi-stakeholders Institutionalization of the Busan Global Partnership - Active outreach under the GPEDC framework and the annual workshop Post-2015 Development Agenda - Urgent need to make a solid link between the Busan Partnership and the Post-2015 agenda Importance of the1 st High-Level Meeting in Mexico Importance of the 1 st HLM
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