REASONS WHY I WANT TO TEACH! Just love working with children. To have a stable growing career Can spend more time with my kids Inspiring students academically and personally
EFFECTIVE TRAITS Adaptable, empathic, engaging Accountable, determined, fearless Caring, dedicated, forgiving Compassionate, cooperative, patient
STUDENT CHARACTERISTICS Wants to learn Excited about what their doing Work hard Want to better their mind and themselves
CONTRIBUTIONS TO MY PROFESSION Work hard and get better one student at a time Community Recreational Center for all ages More after school tutoring programs Conferences
INTASC DESCRIPTION Growing up in the Detroit Public School systems it wasn’t the greatest. As long as we attended class we and at least attempted to do the work, we would pass the class. Sometimes there are teachers who you can bond with and have the real sincere relationships, and sometimes they just make it impossible. I am a firm believe that every student needs a teacher who they can trust and depend on to in whatever way possible.
REFERENCES “Teach the children so it will not be necessary to teach the adults”, “Abraham Lincoln” Mrs. Flanagan