Representing Money Values in Different Ways Unit of Study: Money and Time Global Concept Guide: 3 of 5
Content Development The focus of this GCG is to provide students with real world problem solving opportunities involving money. Teachers will need to support student problem solving by modeling step by step exchanging of coins to find multiple representations. Make connections between representing numbers flexibly and representing an amount of money with multiple groups of coins.
Day 1 When students are problem solving, look for those using quick pics to use as examples. The teacher will want to highlight this strategy for students and make connections to the coin manipulative. If student examples are not adequate, teacher modeling of the strategy may be needed.
Day 2 The focus of Day 2 is for students to determine multiple coin combinations for a given amount. E.g. How many different ways can you represent 26¢ ? First : 1 Q and 1 P Then: Exchange the Q to get 2 D 1 N 1 P or 1 D 3 N 1 P or 6 N 1P The teacher may need to model the “Make a Table” or “Create an Organized List” strategy for students to utilize in their problem solving. (See GCG Lesson Ideas link “Coin Trading Chart” as a possible tool to use for organizing thinking.) Teachers can make use of lesson idea questions in the GCG and extend student thinking by asking, “How many different ways can you find to represent that amount of money?”
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention Enrich Enrich 7.7 page E72 How can you make 26¢ with the most coins? with the least coins? How can you represent ALL possible combinations? Intervention Go Math - Online Florida Intervention p