Create a magazine cover using a range of design techniques in PhotoShop
Create a new document 21.59cm x 27.94cm 72dpi for screen use) (Choose your two colours in the colour palette first) Begin with a radial gradient, by double clicking the unlocked background layer to activate the Layer Styles menu, then apply a Gradient Overlay.
1)Filter > Convert for smart filter 2)Then add a lens flare using the method above.
1)Open and drag the City.jpg above the lens flare layer. Resize using Edit / Transform and change the blending mode to Soft Light (Double click the layer).
1)Open the Planet image and drag it above the City.jpg layer. Change the blending mode to Screen and change position and opacity as you like.
Now we will generate some Photoshop clouds to soften up the background a little more. Create a new layer and fill it with black. Generate the clouds by pressing Filter > Render > Clouds (make sure your colours are set to black and white). I also used a large soft eraser brush to erase the top of my clouds
Change the Blending Mode to Soft Light.
Now we will create a subtle yellow glow. Create a new layer, draw a circle with the Elliptical Marquee Tool and fill it with yellow #fbc531. Apply Filter> Blur > Gaussian Blur with a Radius of 114 pixels. Lower the Opacity to 45%
Cut out the picture of Jeff Banks using the quick selection tool. Add to the main image. You may need to resize and smooth the edges.
Open the planet image again and drag it above the model - use a large, soft eraser brush and erase the planet from the middle. Change the blending option to screen.
Add a masthead. Alternative text styles can be found at Download as a.png and copy into the image. Add a drop shadow to make the text stand out.
Add some coverlines! Once you’ve written them go Window > Character Highlight your text and adjust the tracking and leading to make a more professional style
EXTENSION Add these magazine cover conventions to your design: -More cover lines -Skyline -Web address -Bar code and Price -Puff Promo