Comparison of the results of the questions 6b and 6c
Questions 6b and 6c: 6.b) Why do they (the immigrants) choose your country as their destination? 6.c) Which goals are they striving for?
Germany 6.b) For migrants from out of Europe mainly: Most of them immigrate to Germany because of danger in their home country like war, (political/religious) persecution or poverty For migrants from the south of Europe mainly: Historically a lot of immigrants came to Germany from the south of Europe; after that a lot of their relatives followed them and are still following For migrants from the east of Europe mainly: Germany`s geographical position: very close to the states of eastern Europe Lingual cultural reasons (maybe German ancestors)
Germany 6.c) They mainly strive for: Better living and working conditions Living together with their relatives/partners Political/ religious freedom Life in peace and freedom Better education for their children
Netherlands: 6.b) The Netherlands is a country where refugees get the opportunity to rebuild their future, they can get economic opportunities. The Netherlands is a tolerant country. It has also always been accepting refugees. The Dutch people are quite open for people with different cultures. 6.c) Most immigrants, who are coming to the Netherlands, strive after a better life. They hope they will live a safe and healthy life. They also strive after a better environment and a nice home. They’re hoping for a good job and earning enough money to raise their kids.
Lithuania: 6.b) Temporary immigrants from various countries come from different purposes. The main reason for Chinese, Lebanese and Pakistani nationals to come to Lithuania is to study, in contrast nationals of United States tend to come to teach or work in religious institutions. Nationals of United Kingdom come mainly to teach, while immigrants from third countries, the Scandinavian countries, Germany and the Russian Federation are more often engaged in seeking employment, management and the provision of assistance for national reconstruction. 6.c) The goals immigrants are striving for (those who have got temporary residence permit in Lithuania, 2005) Goalsnumbers% To marry To work To study69810,6 Others108116,4
Poland: 6.b) Sometimes the immigrants stop on their way to one of the countries of the ‘Old EU’ as they cannot go any further because of the documents etc, another situation is studying in Poland and staying afterwards, or because of a marriage with a Polish citizen. 6.c) The goal is, if not living here because of the aforementioned reasons, one of the countries of the ’Old EU’.
Italy: 6.b) Italy is chosen as a country to immigrate, because of its geographical position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, since it is easier to reach. Immigrants are looking both for a better life conditions and a job, or to reach a member/members of their families who had already immigrated. 6.c) 90% of the immigrants immigrate for family reasons or work.