Reflection / Discussion Questions Feraco Myth to Science Fiction 26 May 2010
Never Let Me Go Questions 1) What have you created that represents you well – either your whole identity, or a particular aspect of yourself? 2) What could people learn about you just by looking at what you have created? 3) Why do you think Madam is afraid of the students? Why is she crying when she’s watching Kathy? 4) Why do you think the kids are at Hailsham? Why is their art is so important?
Never Let Me Go Questions 5) Should we “tell and not tell” our children about difficult concepts? Should we tell them truths at an early age? What’s the best way to share knowledge? 6) How do you feel about having such direct access to Kathy’s mind and inner thoughts? Do you feel trusted? Uncomfortable? Some other combination of emotions? 7) Explain the roles of grouping/cliques and community in Never Let Me Go.
Slaughterhouse-Five Questions 1) Has Billy really been kidnapped? Why do you think Vonnegut “displaces” him in time? 2) Why are some experiences almost impossible to share? In other words, why does context matter? 3) Think about our star points/gears. Which ones did Vonnegut value most, and why? 4) Should we react to death the way the Tralfamadorians do – with “So it goes”? Why does Vonnegut keep repeating that phrase?
Slaughterhouse-Five Questions 5) How does William Blake’s quote – “A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees” – relate to Slaughterhouse-Five? (Think carefully.) 6) How do you react when the Tralfamadorians tell Billy that humans have absolutely no bearing on the ultimate fate of the universe? Did you find yourself thinking we would matter? 7) Is Billy’s attitude towards marriage – that he knew it would be bearable all the way through, and therefore sufficed for his purposes – the one we should adopt in our romantic relationships? If we should aim higher, what should we shoot for?
Shared Questions 8) How well do you understand how other peoples’ minds work? Do you enjoy trying to decipher the meaning behind others’ words? 9) How often do you rely on unspoken words to get your point across? How much of that unspoken understanding and subtext goes into an ordinary human relationship? 10) How does your particular author (Ishiguro or Vonnegut) influence your reactions through his narrative style?