APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY LABORATORY East Tennessee State University Johnson City, Tennessee INTRODUCTION CONTACT:


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Presentation transcript:

APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY LABORATORY East Tennessee State University Johnson City, Tennessee INTRODUCTION CONTACT: or Chris S. Dula, REFERENCES: LIMITATIONS METHOD IMPLICATIONS & FUTURE DIRECTIONS RESULTS Participants: 100 medical charts were reviewed at a rural family medicine clinic. Only 90 participants, 21 males (23.3%) and 69 females (76.6%), reported information pertaining to this study. The participants chosen for this study reported their current marital status, as either single or married. Ages ranged from 18 – 90 years of age with a mean and median of 50 years of age. Method: Data was collected using 8 undergraduates trained to review medical charts in the integrated primary care practice. Information relative to mood disorders was obtained by the primary treating physician, including first notation of an mood disorder, method of treatment, any medications which could be used (including off label uses) to treat the particular mood disorder, and if a mental health referral occurred. For H1:Data were subjected to a Chi Square. Current Marital Status differed as a function of mood notations, X 2 (2)=12.62, p <.002 The results of the current analyses indicate that mood and relationship status should be further investigated. By looking at both males and females from varied age ranges, rather than only widowed females, this study may promote future studies investigating bias as it relates to gender in medical chart notation It is recommended that future research studying similar topics use a more diverse sample as to promote a more accurate reflection of the population. DISCUSSION H1: In our data set, a negative coloration will exist between marital status and the presence of a medical chart mood notation. H2: In our data set, mood notations will occur at a higher percentage for females than males. Druery, R. C., Jackson, H. M., Miesner M. T., & Dula C.S. Marriage, Mood, and Mental Health: How Does Marital Status Correlate With Mood Notations in Medical Charts? Research done by Scott et al. (2010) revealed that maritalstatus was associated with a reduced risk of individuals being diagnosed with a mood disorder. Nyer et al. (2010) have found that being married may enhance ones’ quality of life and protects against suicidal ideation in individuals suffering from schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and depressive symptoms. Among other psychiatric diagnoses, major depressive disorder and bipolar disorders were found to have a strong association with possible marital distress (Whisman, 2007). According to Fournier et al. (2009), marital status was found to be a predicting variable for patients’ response to cognitive therapy relative to antidepressant medications, Females are more likely than males to be diagnosed with a mood disorder. This may result from the determining role ignorance and stigma attached to sex and one’s emotional fortitude (Niculescu & Akiskal, 2001). Although most research conducted on marriage and mood disorders typically only examines widowed females (St. John, 2009), this study focused on the association between current marital status and mood notations in the medical charts of both males and females. Data were only collected from one primary care site. There was no way to verify that the medical charts were complete in regards to the patients medical history. The scope of this project limited reviewers from accurately gathering information on the causes for the participants mood notation. This was due to only having access to patient medical charts. Results: H1 : Supported. Patients who reported being married had fewer medical chart mood notations than patients who reported being single. H2: Supported % of males had a mood notion versus 42.02% of female participants. Mood Notations Noted in Chart vs. Marital Status Valuedfp Pearson Chi-Square a Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association a. 2 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is Married Males Married Females Single Males Single Females None Depression17316 Bipolar0115 Available upon request Gender and Marital Status vs. Mood Notation Recorded. Mood Notation Recorded HYPOTHESES Mood Notation Recorded Chi-Square Tests Similar to the results of Scott et al. (2010), more single participants had a mood notation in their medical chart than married participants. Despite causation not being able to to be determined, a mood notation does seem to have a link with one’s marital status. This finding is consistent with prior literature in that having a mood disorder may lead to marital distress (Whisman, 2007). As predicted, a higher percentage of females had a mood notation. This may have to do with the common disbelief that women are more “emotional” than their male counterparts (Niculescu and Akiskal, 2001). PatientsPatients PatientsPatients