2 –Sybase Confidential MCOMMERCE WITH SYBASE Interoperability between mobile payment networks with established industry reference points Global leader in mobile messaging services delivering 1.5 billion messages a day with reach to more than 4 billion mobile subscribers Customers include more than 200 leading financial institutions, and more than 900operators worldwide Complying with industry standards including ISO 9001, Payment Card Industry (PCI) Certified by the GSM-Association as an official GSMA Mobile Money Vendor Live mCommerce deployments with more than 15 million end consumers and 20,000 merchants Wholly owned subsidiary of Sybase, Inc., an SAP Company
3 –Sybase Confidential THE MOBILE CHANNEL The Latest Banking Channel Consumers are adopting the mobile channel faster than they adopted the last ‘new’ banking channel, the Internet. Even the Internet has become mobile, as more and more users utilize Mobile Internet devices. Consumers, and their demand for self service, are driving this channel. Mobilising Payments Mobilising the Banked Mobilising Marketing Mobilising the Unbanked Mobilising Remittances What is Mobile Commerce?
4 –Sybase Confidential Mobilising the Unbanked BANKING Mobilising the Banked Transactional Banking Services Alerting Services Retail Corporate Mobile Wallet Services Separate Platform from Core Systems Micro Banking Services
5 –Sybase Confidential Mobilising Remittance MOBILE PAYMENTS & MOBILE REMITTANCE Mobilising Payments Can be Implemented anywhere Card or Cash payments are accepted NFC Utilizing the Mobile device for P2P Domestic and International Remittance
6 –Sybase Confidential MOBILE MARKETING & MOBILE CRM Mobilising Marketing & Mobile CRM Deliver Marketing and Sales messages direct to your customers Mobile CRM allows your customer to self service bank information Coupons, Offers and Location Based Services
7 –Sybase Confidential HOW TO LEVERAGE THE MOBILE CHANNEL How Can Banks Leverage Mobile? Consumers are demanding access to their Bank using all types of devices and all types of media, from iPads to Twitter. The iPad type devices and Smart Phones are redefining what information you can provide to your customers while on the move. If your systems are down, your customers know about it via Facebook or Twitter before you do! You need to treat this as a real channel, it is not about Mobile Banking anymore, but about the consumer experience and choice. The customer experience is key. Banks are offering everything from Loan Origination on Mobile to NFC Payments to Credit Card offers to Augmented Reality. You need a mobile strategy, not just a mobile solution. The Mobile Operators are becoming banks, and have led the way in Mobile Commerce.
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