Ontario’s Health & Physical Education (HPE) Curriculum, 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
1 “In Catholic schools, Ontario’s new HPE curriculum is an opportunity for parents and teachers to talk to students about a distinctively Catholic view of human life, sexuality, marriage, and family.” - Institute for Catholic Education An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
2 o In February, 2015, the Ontario Ministry of Education released revisions to the Health & Physical Education (HPE) Curriculum o 24 of the 27 (90%) expectations were already addressed in our Catholic schools through our existing Family Life Curriculum, approved by the Bishops of Ontario o Additional lessons and supplementary material have been developed to support teachers as they address the expectations in Catholic classrooms Background
3 Objectives An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators HPE Provide information about the Ministry’s curriculum review process, and the changes made to the HPE curriculum at the elementary level. 2.Revisit the foundations of the Family Life program, and the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. 3.Explain how the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations in the HPE curriculum will be taught in Catholic schools entirely through the Family Life curriculum, using the Fully Alive program and the supplementary materials provided by the Institute for Catholic Education.
Achieving Excellence Ensuring Equity Promoting Well-Being Enhancing Public Confidence 4 Health & Physical Education Curriculum A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
5 Vision HPE 2015 “The revised health and physical education curriculum is based on the vision that the knowledge and skills students acquire in the program will benefit them throughout their lives and enable them to thrive in an ever- changing world by helping them develop physical and health literacy as well as the comprehension, capacity, and commitment they will need to lead healthy, active lives and promote healthy, active living.” An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
6 HPE 2015 An Overview of the HPE Curriculum An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
7 HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
8 HPE 2015 Living Skills Pages Pages 26-29
9 HPE 2015 Strand A: Active Living Page 25 Pages 29 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
10 HPE 2015 Strand B: Movement Competence – Skills, Concepts, Strategies Page 27 Pages 31 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
11 HPE 2015 Strand C: Healthy Living Page 34 Pages An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
Pedagogical Approach Currency 21 st Century skills Diversity Curriculum structure Additional recent changes 12 Key Changes HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
Healthy relationships and consent Online safety, including risks of sexting Mental health and well-being Respect for Diversity Examine the focus of the learning Supporting the learning across the curriculum 13 Recent Updates HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
14 Making Connections HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
15 Catholic Curriculum Connections HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
16 HPE 2015 Teaching all Curriculum Through the Lens of Faith “A Catholic world view is a way of looking at the world through a Catholic Church lens. This world view is derived from Catholic Church teachings, scripture and Catholic Church traditions. These teachings, scripture and traditions form the basis of what is taught in Catholic schools.” - Catholic Curriculum Cooperative of Ontario, Writing Catholic Curriculum, 2006, p.7 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
17 HPE 2015 The Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
18 HPE 2015 HPE is delivered within FLE in Catholic Schools An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
19 HPE 2015 The Five Themes in the Fully Alive Program An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
“Every human being is created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and therefore is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family. Every person, from the moment of conception to natural death, has inherent dignity and a right to life consistent with that dignity. Human dignity comes from God, not from any human quality or accomplishment.” – Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions 20 HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
21 HPE 2015 Resources to Support Catholic Teachers and Educators as they implement HPE 2015 An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators
22 Need more information? HPE 2015 Institute for Catholic Education Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Education An Overview for Catholic Elementary Educators