Chinese Calligraphy – session 1 The Art Beyond The Language 23/10/07, Chinese Chess & Calligraphy Society
What is Chinese calligraphy? What is calligraphy? "the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner" What is Chinese calligraphy? Shufa 書法 "the way of writing“
What does chinese calligraphy looks like? The main styles: Seal Script Clerical Script Semi-cursive Script Cursive Script Regular Script 篆书 隶书 行书 草书 楷书
Liu style
Essential Stationeries Brush: Ink: Ink stone: Rice paper:
Postures and holding the Brush Proper posture for writing while seated Proper posture for writing while standing Raised wrist method Holding the brush Suspended wrist method
Basic eight brush strokes Dot Dash Perpendicular downstroke Downstroke to the left
Basic eight brush strokes Wavelike stroke Hook Upstroke to the right Bend or twist
The general order of writing strocks 1.From left to right 2.From upper to lower 3.From outside to inside gǎn 敢 dare
Chinese calligraphy! Learn to become a calligrapher yourself! What we can achieve…… Having a keen eye for the beautiful Learn to become a calligrapher yourself! Chinese calligraphy!