1. Situational Irony – Occurs when one event or reaction seems contrary to what is expected to occur Ex.1- Romeo goes to the party to see Rosaline, but falls in love with Juliet. Ex.2- Romeo attempts to stop the fighting between Mercutio and Tybalt, but instead get Mercutio killed. Three types of Irony
Situational Irony
Situational Irony –
2. Verbal Irony – Saying one thing and meaning another where the speaker intends for the listener to know that he is being ironic. Ex. 1 – The prologue describes the families as “both alike in dignity” implying that the families are dignified. Later we learn their feud make them anything, but dignified. Ex. 2- Juliet says that “if he is married, My grave is like to be my wedding bed.” Irony- marrying him leads to her grave. Three types of Irony
Positive –facetious- Looking out a window with a gorgeous view and saying, “Too bad you don’t have a view.” Negative – sarcasm – “Geez you really dressed up today. “ Meaning someone looks awful. Verbal Irony
Verbal Irony - sarcasm
Verbal Irony
3. Dramatic Irony – A technique wherein the reader (and perhaps some characters) has an understanding that the other characters in the story do not. Ex. 1- The audience knows that Juliet took a sleeping potion and isn't really dead. Romeo's suicide affects the audience even more because of this knowledge. Three Types of Irony
Dramatic Irony